
A basic article of faith among so many centrists is that there is something inherently virtuous about centrism and something inherently bad about “extremism”, regardless of the content of those positions, and that should be challenged at every goddamn turn
The party’s radical, abolitionist wing was morally correct, thank you very much.
Not least because yeah, that’s the kind of thinking that gets you into big wars
🎶John Brown’s body is seeking compromise 🎶John Brown’s body is trying to see both sides yeah doesn’t really slap the same
Whether or not it's virtuous, it's not even fucking effective. Americans of all parties, notwithstanding their professed beliefs, scorn squishy moderates who don't stand for anything.
They have to propagate this lie in order to justify the idea that the current system is the only effective and sustainable one. Anything that challenges the status quo HAS to be wrong, otherwise its crimes become unjustifiable
"Centrist" is just the lipstick on the pig of moral vacuity.
They have nothing of value to contribute so it lets them feel important.
Flip centrist and extremist around here and you get the same result
Like Barry Goldwater? “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue”.
Hey I just realised I just repeated your points in my quote post, sorry about that I didn't mean to be the guy trying to punch up someone's post. What I said is my go to line about centrism and at this point I just shout it whenever something reminds me to. For the record you said it better!