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armed only with my hatred for moral clarity
it’s cliche to point out how banal “keep politics out of sports” is but I see something like this and wonder all over again how the fuck people square that circle
finally saw a cybertruck in the wild yesterday. shit sucked out loud. like being stuck behind a stealth dumpster
Daemon Targaryen is doing a kind of CIA speedrun. Misreading local politics and backing a warlord whose atrocities immediately blow up in his face, while half-heartedly plotting a domestic coup and not even noticing his own squad is doing MK-ULTRA to him
one of the best things about this season of HOTD is letting Daemon be a weird loser. really leaning into the comedy potential of the world’s most Psychological man having a midlife crisis while dressed as a warhammer dark elf and tripping balls
I’m working OT today, quite hungover, Kat at the airport to leave for a week, and it’s actually great because I am too mired in my own personal stress and whining to contemplate the decades that are happening rn
I love making a reply guy joke on Twitter, then going to bluesky and seeing someone else making the same joke to the same person’s cross post
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"I’m reminded of the work-safety adage that, for every death, there are multiple near misses; if you fail to correct the problem after near misses, there will be deaths." SpaceX is far too cavalier about safety. Congress needs to have a little chat with them.
"As an astronomer, I already had good reasons to worry about SpaceX." Worries like: light pollution from mega-constellations, atmospheric pollution from launches and disintegrations, and now silo-sized space junk dropping on people's farms.
SpaceX Dropped Space Junk on My Neighbor’s Farm. Here’s What Happened A Saskatchewan farmer’s near miss with potentially lethal debris falling from orbit highlights the skyrocketing risks and murky politics of space junk
the delay is due to Howard Schultz’s noble and principled refusal to accept the nomination. Democratic kingmakers are working feverishly to convince our modern Cincinnatus to once more enter the fray
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Avatar learned the other day that my coworker was at the spring training game where Randy Johnson exploded a bird
made mango salsa last night but I only had a yellow bell pepper. look at this shit. it looks like dinner for Lego people
it’s still fuck Joe Biden, however his brain is functioning. frankly it’s letting the Democrats off the hook to talk about whether their guy is compos mentis rather than whether he should be in the Hague
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daemon stumbling around harrenhal tripping balls and starring in his own personal Meet the Grahams music video >>>>>>>>>>
“Alright! Finally, the dragons are fighting!” “OH NO. OH NO BIG KITTY NOOOOO”
I reviewed tonight's heart-stopping episode of HOUSE OF THE DRAGON, one of the most visceral and gripping pieces of fantasy spectacle ever put to screen. The nightmare is finally unleashed.
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JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
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There is a 7 foot tall guy behind Rishi Sunak who likely ran for office just to be able to hold a printed out L behind him during his concession speech.
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Saw an AI fireworks show and a guy lost all 7 fingers on one hand.
loving the Corbyn W. even after purging the left to such an extent as to get the British media to anoint them as the new government, labour cannot destroy the absolute lad
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every time a new red line is crossed in palestine & biden says "ope. my good friend/personal hero bibi can have a new red line (fifth in the last few months) as a treat" and netanyahu's twitter account posts "biden is a lower than dirt hamas lover", they start organised screaming at arabs online too
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it's very telling that the day the white house drops the "we officially abandon all support of trans children's rights" announcement in the hopes of winning over trump voters by announcing yet another trump-lite policy, all the shitlibs get the same memo to start screaming at trans people to vote
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makes me feel like i'm taking crazy pills seeing "joe biden is pro-labor" said in complete sincerity. like that time he said "come on, fellas, it's christmas :(" and blocked the railworkers' strike in 2022, leading to a catastrophic train wreck about a month later in ohio—never happened! what's that
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Just at the most basic level it is really unhealthy to have to thought about Donald Trump as much as everyone in America has over the last nine or so years. Spending a decade of my life thinking about a super boring, super shitty crook and all the bad stuff he's doing or might do. It's embarrassing.
it’s been a long time since I was in an office past 9 PM and I have to say: it’s dog shit
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shoutout to the catholic church for making "we eat the corpse of our dead but undying god" a central tenet of their faith yet somehow also still managing to be incredibly uncool
this is a very beautiful hymn that we would sing in church and that they played at my grandfather’s funeral, but catholics cannot stop talking about eating jesus’ flesh in their hymns and sometimes it’s like “not now”
started rereading the Kingston Cycle. I forgot how propulsive Stormsong is. like I finished Witchmark, went “sure I got time to start book 2” and then I looked up and I was on page 200
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Remember when I wrote a love letter to and an indictment of dystopian science fiction and the neo-liberals who love it?
Six Dreams of the Future — Big