
if you think that saying sex workers use NFTs will make me support NFTs you have it backwards. i will abandon everything i have ever believed in before i support NFTs. thinking NFTs are dumb bullshit is my first principle.
I just feel like now sex workers are getting scammed as well.
Crypto, NFT, etc. suddenly shifting its marketing focus to the Black, LGBT+, & SW communities really screams subprime mortgages to me hello 👋😬 plz don't fall for it. There's literally no value in that stuff, hell there's negative value
do you people just hate art and tech ? i mean yeah there’s a fucking lot of scammers there’s such ridiculously real shit too it’s the internet
Did…did you not know what ziti was?
Love art, have spent my life in tech. It's why I hate it when people try to grift on those things.
scammers are in every facet of life and the internet ~ from fake luxury goods on the streets , to scam callers , to fake phishing emails that look *almost* legit ☯️ but what’s real is out there too there is a lot of very evolved tech & powerful, deep creative work being developed in the modern era
No, we're simply able to identify scams.
okay so how is digital art cryptographically authenticated as straight from a creator’s workshop , delivered w an internet-connected key tracing its provenance that can be owned solely by one , that can then connect & interact in bespoke ways w systems built out across an open global network a scam
Don’t listen to these non-believers. On an unrelated note, have you ever wanted to own your very own bridge?
Cool loaded question you got there Mind if I wipe my ass with it?
go ahead colon wipe yourself from yourself
Correct to be honest. Some will win a lot, a lot will lose
I've only ever seen them (rarely) try to grift people honestly
Oh, I forgot to add in "using NFTs". The only time I have ever seen a SW use NFT's is when they're obviously grifting people, but it happens very rarely.
No but you don't understand, once you buy an NFT of sex you just own sex forever and it will only increase in value.
“you just own sex forever” this is powerful
you only own some kinds of sex until they are 18 then the sex can legally have itself
The whole idea was to import the economics of scarcity into the economics of abundance. I don’t see how even in theory that that is a good thing. If some folks made coin with it, great, but cmon, people. Some decent people probably did ok with Madoff, too.
To paraphrase Dan Olson: it's like a segment of the population looked at powerful entities destroying the economy to benefit their own obscene luxury consumption, and instead of deciding that such a system is wrong, decided that what's wrong is that it wasn't THEM at the top.
Okay here’s the thing, that’s not the point of the technology that’s just how it got used by scammers. Ultimately the technology itself has genuine potential uses, especially with more environmentally friendly versions of it, it’s just that the maximum economic value of any given one is like $100
Like the issue is that people used it as get rich quick, but genuinely just in and of itself, if you could input your credit card or ssn into a website without that website ever learning or storing what that number is, that’s like genuinely useful. But like, again, $70 useful not $7,000,000
that's not something nfts do. that's like what paypal does.
PayPal has your credit card information and direct access to your bank account number and routing number. There’s no way around letting them store that specific information. With NFTs, you could affirmatively confirm your transactions without letting an intermediary or vendor know your info
Like, the NFT, instead of being a picture of an Ape picture, would be a public record of your credit card. You would carry that physically, like a regular credit card. But when you use it, it would not need to give your card number, bank number, etc to anyone.
nope, nfts simply do not have that capability
You can make an argument that a distributed write once ledger could have interesting technological applications, but badly aping basic contract law surely isn’t one of them
Don’t bad mouth aping, the apes were the funniest part
It’s not just about being a ledger, it’s about the fact that you can verify sensitive information without sharing what that sensitive information is at any point of transaction. Yes that’s not extremely high utility, but it is certainly broadly useful, which I think summarizes most NFT value
A slightly less broken PGP web of trust
Yeah, that’s fair enough.
Furries were the litmus test, and NFT’s failed it HARD. Trading unique custom tailored artwork online has been our jam FOR DECADES. If there was any benefit from that technology my community would have been all over it like White on Pence. We saw through it in 0.08 seconds. It’s pure shit.
nfts are the fastest way to get me to abandon all support for someone
If anything, it just shows how sex workers are just like the rest of us: a certain, small percentage are total fools
I think it's their clients who are total fools. If some sex worker gets a crypto bro to buy the exclusive commercial rights to a particular hole pic, I think it's probably a net win for the money to be flowing in that direction, at least now that Etherium isn't boiling the oceans anymore.
being anti crypto should be the prime directive of any decent person on line
I would hope sex workers are smarter than to let themselves get attached to the moral cancer that is the NFT. If not,
crypto shills telling everyone that the cool kids jumped off a bridge and expecting people to say "i wanna jump off a bridge too" im response
it's a solid first principle fwiw
Imagine using NFT's for sexwork knowing that: 1) NFT's create traceability between you and customers, and 2) The same people who shill for NFT's are the ones running in the same circles that are working to criminalize sexwork even more than it already is