
Ok, everybody had their fun saying Biden should just disappear his political enemies because it’s allowed now. It’s a new day, and those jokes are all old now, and also they’re cynical and stupid and counterproductive. Democracy is on the ballot. Stop fucking acting like it’s already gone.
Because if you and enough people decide it’s already gone, it is. It’s like watching Peter Pan where you, the audience, have to clap and say you believe in fairies for them to exist, except it’s real.
My concern is this: if Roberts is willing to do this, we have to consider that he's willing to invalidate election results that support Biden. Maybe he is and maybe he isn't. But the risk is enough that I think we have to find any way to reform the court before the election.
I would love to have the court reformed before the election. If you’ve got a mechanism to do it, I’m all ears, because I don’t see it.
Well, SCOTUS just gave Biden the tools. EO that says: 4 new seats. Recess appointment 4 justices in. Hope that Congress is too broken to stop when they reconvene. But of course, that means not clapping for the fairy. At least for a little while.
It’s important to note that this would both backfire electorally and also not work practically. There’s more to seating some more justices than just Biden not getting prosecuted for doing it illegally after he leaves office.
Yeah this is the real answer: can’t be prosecuted doesn’t mean illegal acts have validity
Right! Biden is like “there’s four new justices now” and the court is like “lol no there’s not” and every paper is like “senile Biden believes he’s a king” and the house impeaches him and probably honestly the 25th amendment is invoked.
What Roberts and his court have done is made it very clear that there is no institution we can trust to keep our Democracy for us. All of them can fail if we vote badly. The only thing that will protect us is electing good people to office. All the offices. That's the only actual safeguard.
Well if you control the legislature you can always pass laws that do more to constrain the system and the executive. So if you want "more" then the next step is still the same. Pass better laws.
We don't control the legislature. And we almost certainly won't, even if we vote. So that's a problem.
Ok, no more dooming in my mentions. Goodbye.
We're not doomed if we recognize it's time to do more than vote harder. I live in Kansas. I'll vote for everything to the left of R, but only local elections are affected by my ballot. I can effect local change. But my state goes to the orange turd regardless of how hard I pencil in the oval.
Right but local government is also important! Municipal and county governments are starving for committee members! I have a local elected official I like who I *just found out* is a trump supporter because he's genuinely good at local government! Change often starts small.
Saying “vote harder” to me as though it characterizes my position is close to mute/block territory.
Well, I honestly hope you don't mute or block me. I apologize if I caused undue offense.
Sorry, I was having trouble with a couple of other folks and I reacted more strongly than I ought to have.
We're all pissed as fuck at the exploding sewage line. I'm 50+ years and big pic empire-wise? Things have been going poorly too long. I want more democracy, not less. When I'm bitching at you to do more, I'm bitching at myself. So. Happy Tuesday!
He blocked me, and I'm very sad. I really liked reading his thoughts. He's one of the best posters on here.
Oh, shit. I'm sorry. It's a bad time.
Any chance you'd tell him that I apologize for any offense and that, like you, this discussion is coming from an honest place of and desire to preserve our democracy?