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Banking attorney and politics junkie. My hobby is collecting hobbies and suffering from ADhD. He/him. Dog and cat dad.
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their act of constitutional arson is our opportunity for American Reconstruction
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A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
Holy. Shit. They're literally saying Trump's felonies aren't that bad compared to the "real felonies". Bear in mind, they're ignoring J6 and "gimme 12000 votes" call and the stolen docs. We joke, but this is literally Newsmax copy.
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Loving these quotes from Iranians explaining their vote. CC: Americans who think there’s little difference between Biden and Trump.
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Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
Jesus Christ.
What the fucking fuck. No, it is the self-hating woman and worst columnist south of Manhattan who has a "woman problem". Disgusting. Hateful. The Post, too, is broken.
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When you see the way the press is treating Joe Biden for aging in public, you see how they could treat Donald Trump for committing fraud, rape, espionage, and insurrection and never, ever will.
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I don’t know if there are any coordinated campaigns but I think media outlets engaged in one-sided reporting and posting shit like this need to hear from their subscribers and former ones.There are writers I respect who work but their work is diluted by bullshit and ratfucking.
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The NYT's Biden stories show that the paper isn't afraid to flood the zone when they have a "news" story they insist Americans pay attention to. The Republican Party's embrace of Trump's full-on criminal and fascist behavior does not, to the Times, warrant such coverage.
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Constitutional law profs:
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These are the stakes. This is one of the premier organs of “intellectual conservatism,” and they see the immunity ruling as transformative and revolutionary, and they are signaling the willingness to do violence to defend their gains. Make everyone you know understand these stakes.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
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This piece I wrote three years ago has aged well If the people you get your news and analysis from didn't see the Supreme Court's assault on democracy coming before yesterday, perhaps you should reconsider your sources of news and analysis.
The Supreme Court Does Not Deserve Our Trust | Crooked Continued faith in institutions like the Supreme Court that have been captured by anti-democratic political factions is how democracies die.
Oh for fucks sake.
NEW: Austin Democrat Lloyd Doggett becomes the first sitting member of Congress to call for Biden to drop out of the presidential race (via Matthew Choi, Texas Tribune)
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Steve Bannon is in prison for contempt and Rudy Giuliani just lost his N.Y. law license, but John Roberts insists that invisible ink in the Constitution prevents Donald Trump, the ringleader, from facing charges for virtually anything that Trump can claim was an official act.
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My letter in today’s Herald about the political establishment pandering to JK Rowling and her anti trans obsession while ignoring the majority of women and women’s issues
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You don't have to fight dirty, but you do have to fight.
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The United States has always been a democracy for some and a brutal authoritarian regime for others, and the effort to expand it to democracy for all has led to a 70+ year backlash culminating in SCOTUS claiming that kings are totes cool and also judges are the ones to coronate them
I love it when history tells us lessons we can apply today.
How did I not know that the Dutch once got so mad at their ruler that they ate him??
I have defended Biden very strongly for a long time. But tonight I feel very nervous that Biden is not up to the task. This moment demands a response that has been unthinkable to Biden until this morning. I hope he's finally thinking of it now.
This kind of statement should be taken as Fulks' resignation. If it's not, then it probably should be Biden's resignation.
1. Biden deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks says he's "scared as shit" by the Supreme Court's ruling giving Trump immunity 2. Biden deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks says Biden deeply respects the Supreme Court and refuses to use any power he has to challenge it
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Imagine what the discourse on prosecuting Trump would be like if instead of pardoning Nixon, Ford had let his DOJ prosecute him for some of the many things they could have prosecuted him for
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There is no constitutional text that says presidents are immune from all criminal law. Nor was it the intent of the authors of the Constitution or any amendments. It is inconsistent with American precedent and tradition. They just made it up.
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There is no question the Supreme Court must be expanded if we are to save democracy. Dem members of Congress who believe that should go to the president, tell him they will fight for him, particularly as there are calls for him to leave the race, and that he must expand court.
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Obviously, won’t go anywhere in a Republican House, but at least she’s doing something. Hopefully, there’s more coming.
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“The Court’s conservative majority has revealed itself to be the most direct threat to American democracy, and any Democrat who is not ready to shelve old fears about ‘court packing’ and get serious about expanding and reforming the Court isn’t made for this moment.” Correct.
Literally no one says that it's doable and normal. Democrats do have to win every election for the foreseeable future. That's just step 1, though, not the end step. This isn't an either/or thing. We need to vote blue and have radical change.
“Democrats just have to win every election forever and if they lose even one democracy ends and this is both doable and actually just normal” The fact that so many bluemaga types seriously said this stuff is head spinning
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Convicted felon appoints judges who rule it's ok for him to do crimes.
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Under today’s immunity decision, Biden could order AG Garland to immediately prosecute Thomas and Alito for corruption and insurrection. (Official act). If Garland refuses, Biden can fire him and replace him with someone who will. (Official act) I would suggest Elie Mystal.
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Clarence Thomas unquestionably committed tax fraud on his motorcoach deal and the president has the power to put him in handcuffs this afternoon, in his official capacity in charge of the IRS and federal law enforcement
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Absolutely wild that the court accuses the dissent of "fearmongering" with "extreme hypotheticals" when the actual basis for the indictment is a coup attempt that led to an attack on the capitol