Olio Aojo Quivira

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Olio Aojo Quivira


CONTENT WARNING! Cussing galore & more.

YOU ARE NOT SAFE🧷Our existence is obscene🧷pornographic🧷odd🧷idyllic🧷always strange🧷YOU ARE NOT SAFE🧷I'm a charming fool🧷All messed up🧷He/him 🧷50s
"We all have the same skeleton."
Pics from a golden hour walk through Teufelsberg in Berlin, the remains of a former Cold War listening station now reclaimed by nature and art, with street artists from around the world turning every surface inside and out into their canvas. 17 photos: www.tumblr.com/robsheridan/...
I saw a fluffy earth #bumblebee on the Telekia flowers today! Not quite as big as the queen recently, but a very busy bee with nice pollen puffs collected on the hind legs. She was very focused and let me photograph her from several angles 🌼🐝 #flowerreport #invertebrates #neighborhoodgardens
Here's some fashy tears for your Sunday.
Good Morning and Happy Sunday
“Kantianism — among other systems that aided white supremacy while preaching equality and dignity for all — contributed to the house in which we live, and this house turns out to be oppressive for a majority.”
Kant’s Ideas Shaped Human Rights Theories. How Do We Contend With His Racism?truthout.org The anti-Black ideas within Immanuel Kant’s philosophy show how liberalism and racism are closely intertwined.
If I could only get Baron Vladimir Harkonnen's anti-gravity rig I'd totally run for "president". Good morning, welcome to my first official act of the day.
I've shown signs of accelerated aging & every goddamn thing I do is an official act, so don't you dare mess with me! Do NOT mess with me!
Hello hello! We are on the verge of having a proper ecommerce merch store directly on our website. It will require more funds than we are used to spending to launch it, so we have set up a fundraiser on Ko-fi!
So true. And that generation really believes that they're the only ones competent and capable enough to do the work. They've been telling Gen X and everyone behind us for decades that we're just not good enough and their jobs are too important to allow us to to take over.
ya know what makes me emit a feeble chuckle? the same folks complaining about air travel voted for the people who allowed the current composition of the SCOTUS which just destroyed regulation, which will destroy their ability to complain about shitty air travel time's a looooop made out of poooop
Air travel is getting worse. That's what passengers are telling the US governmentapnews.com Air travel is getting more miserable. That’s the verdict from travelers, based on the number of them who file complaints with the U.S. government last year.
“Now that we know felons can be white, we’re massive fans of crime.”
I don’t even know where to begin with this.
Bernie or any of them could literally handpick their successor and just advise them and still carry weight as an emeritus. But nobody wants to be an Elder in our society. Because it says if you're not working you're useless and practically dead
The Popeyes in our town is a trash situation.
I've pics I wanna post, just not ready to do alt text right now.
Free Palestine Long live Palestine. Gaza is under bombardment. Unanimous genocide in Gaza
Hello. My first official act of the day.
It's possible I hate cop shows more than actual cops.
Convenience corrupts. Absolute convenience corrupts absolutely.
Stressed out over buying tickets to an amusement park. Everything's more stressful. Everything's floating.
It's interesting to think about what media forms felt full-blown coming out of the gate, and what didn't. I'm no expert, but my gut feeling is that radio felt pretty full-formed, as opposed to, say, film. Print books, maybe; personal computers, definitely not. I'm talking feeling here, not reality
What's interesting - and I think lots of people would agree with this - we all *knew* it was ugly. I think it's an interesting lesson, either in contrast to or complement to, other cultural/technological developments: the wonder wrapped inside the vague feeling of disappointment.
#Metoo ruined lives: the women’s. For the summer issue of Bookforum, I wrote about Christine Blasey Ford’s memoir “One Way Back,” the aftermath of disclosure, and what it means to be a public survivor when storytelling has proven futile. www.bookforum.com/culture/disp...
Disposable Heroeswww.bookforum.com Christine Blasey Ford’s memoir captures the hazards of “coming forward” – Moira Donegan
You know, we as a society went wrong when we failed to impose a court-mandated 12 more years of elementary school on everyone who joined in on Johnny Depp's fucking pathetically transparent attack on the life and reputation of Amber Heard.