Keith Ng

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Keith Ng

Data plumber/word baker
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
[Inland Empire - Formidable]
A cursed vision: a number of GOP convention delegates doing some kind of bloody-ear makeup on themselves in Milwaukee next week.
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
Man, I didn't even know that paying for international calls is still a thing.
TIL that the British Airways international customer service number that flyers *must* call in emergencies if you're not in the UK is not free and I just spent $135 dollars to be on hold 30 minutes then spend 14 minutes not having my problem solved
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
Trump ensuring no one assassinates him by picking the one guy we prefer Trump over is some 4D chess ngl
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
If you believe it's impossible for someone to hold any kind of institutional power and also be on your side, then you're condemning yourself to a dark road of irrelevance. Sorry. This is how the game is played, and has been since our ancient ancestors first started swimming the primordial seas.
getting mad at everyone on this website with any form of institutional power is not going to do anything to help bring about the political outcomes we want
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
New problematic age gap discourse just dropped
OK, I've done the math (aided by existing online tables), and the Trump-Vance ticket will have the largest age gap in US major-party history
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
Dear pundits: Please proceed with caution when invoking Lincoln's 1st Inaugural Address, and his appeal to the "better angels of our nature." Remember, it didn't work! Quoting an appeal to unity that was followed by 4 years of civil war should give you pause about the power of such appeals. 🗃️
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
Tbf, and this is the only time you'll hear me say this for law enforcement, if *I* was a local police officer in a post-industrial suburb of Pittsburgh working security for a DJT event, I would also say I'm not getting paid enough to die over this
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
It's 1000% rational to be scared. That's the thing. A lot of that fear is grounded in the fact that as individuals we have so little control over world historical forces. That's fucking scary. To me, it's OK to vocalize that. I wish people have more relationships in real life with others to do that.
I would much rather see people saying "I feel unsettled" than what I generally see; which is people intellectualizing this to death and arguing over their political predictions
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
Yeah I keep seeing this reaction, but it’s wholly at odds with the history of these things. The bump Reagan got was short lived and that was the exception to the rule. TR, George Wallace, Gerald Ford all survived attacks but did not win their races.
People who are assuring us that this means Trump is going to win are clearly unfamiliar with the deeply weird lore of this country's THREE mid-seventies presidential-candidate assassination attempts.
just had a nice lunch and a walk anything happen in the last few hours?
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
When you go to your home, don't forget the people of the tents
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
every twitter clone is a machine to make us angry at some group of people. overall i like bluesky the best but it is also possibly the worst for the left because it’s a machine for making them mad at each other
Alexi Lalas would never post here so I'm stuck getting mad at Bouie reply guys
this model demonstrates that housing density will increase due to infilling as a result of local government mandated gavelkind inheritance
building an agent-based model and suddenly my 1000 hours on CKII has become professional development
building an agent-based model and suddenly my 1000 hours on CKII has become professional development
Biden should introduce the President of China Lai Ching-te
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
Project 2025 has a catchy name, a clean website, a well organized product, and its contents are extensive and made of plagues and nightmares one of the things that made the Podesta emails so effective in 2016 was the constant drip of new shit coming day after day, and that's what we're seeing here
their snazzy marketing has backfired on them, people are actually having fun digging into this so every day there's a new "wait what the fuck" item
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
okay kids, transition is now officially an excuse for doing crimes
Casey Costello is blaming the "transitional nature" of her office for her breeches of the OIA, don't forget new owners of existing businesses don't get a compliance holiday from any laws -- from paying their employees to ensuring controlled materials are safely stored and accounted for.#nzpol
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
I grew up IN THE 90s. We didn't have "Xbox" or "iPhones". I drank FROM THE HOSE. My body FILLED UP WITH WATER. I inflated LIKE A GIANT BALLOON. My family BEGGED ME TO STOP. I flew off into the air SPRAYING WATER EVERYWHERE. It was ON THE NEWS. God won't LET ME INTO HEAVEN NOW. Can I get a HECK YEAH?
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
The "just for that [everything we stand for and believe in and want to impose on you, you degenerate scum]?" line is kinda amazing.
Reposted byAvatar Keith Ng
Lifetime caps: some insurers would say that once a person had run up a (lifetime) bill of $2M or so, they were no longer insurable, kicked forever to Medicaid and Medicare. NICU nurses told me abt pre-ACA kids who would hit their lifetime cap before their first breath of fresh air.