
I’m more depressed by the lack of reaction to the Supreme Court than the Supreme Court. We’re watching the beginning of structural authoritarianism and everyone is just too tired or unaware to react. Fascism works.
The utter unwillingness of the dem establishment to do *anything* is really demobilizing
Not to defend liberals too hard, they fucking suck, but without a congressional supermajority in house and senate, what are they supposed to do? Send assassins? We're not getting laws or constitutional amendments anytime soon, the legal options for dealing with the rogue SCOTUS are limited.
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Jesus fucking shit this is exactly the nonsense I’m talking about
Idk man, if the alternative is fascism I think you actually ought to do more than sit there and say "but the rules say there's nothing to be done about it." Do you think that will save you? What the fuck are you doing here?
Literally Thomas’s wife is implicated in 1/6 are we really going to front like there’s nothing that can be done by the actual federal government
“If the rule you followed brought you to this place, of what use was the rule?” is so true in this case
But -how much- do you want them to do? Giving the government carte blanche to do mass killings just doesn't strike me as a good idea.
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Giving the US government carte Blanche to do killings? Oh man. Imagine the horror if such a thing were to happen!? Anyway. Best just let fascists take over.
I mean, do you *believe* the stuff that's being said about Trump to try to scare people into voting Biden?
When they had supermajorities, they didn’t fucking do shit. Maybe they actually suck ass. 🤷‍♂️
Make their lives miserable. Why isn't the Justice Department investigating them for bribery and corruption? Send FBI agents to Clarence Thomas' mom's house (the one owned by a billionaire). Waste their time, stymie them, make them flee into retirement
That sort of thinking is the problem. They need to be more creative, and not just play by the traditional rules. They control the Senate, drag SCOTUS judges to committee hearings and grill the fuck out of them. Make the corruption of the court front page news for months on end.
I would say it's probably a combination and depends on the person. So much anger for this shit.
No one cared when they did a judicial coup in bush v gore. That was the final turning point
Establishment/Corp Dems won't stand up to or may even support: - neoliberal neofascists billionaires like Musk, Murdoch etc - genocidal ultranationalists like Netanyahu - far right/corrupt judges who impose structural authoritarianism - anti public safety corporations Any other "achievements"?
I dislike when people say "don't normalize X" or "this is not NORMAL" as if normal has a fixed position and isn't a constant battle to maintain and safekeep. Norms are infinitely fragile because they're infinitely malleable. We have to IMPOSE decency as the norm we want, not expect it to return.
No it's that we know the ppl in power don't or won't care. So why should regular ppl care? No point in stressing about the supreme court or w/e if the outcome is predetermined
I agree. The populous has the power but too many are afraid or divided intentionally, use it. It's clear SCOTUS has an extreme right mandate and several have blatant ties to Billionaires manipulating our election. If the majority doesn't stand up against the corruption now, it will be too late soon.
Okay, but in all seriousness, exactly what are you expecting the populace to DO here, exactly? SCOTUS judges are nominated and put in place by politicians, and it is virtually impossible for them to actually be forced out. What can be done by us NOW that will actually /have an effect/ on the judges?
You think if Americans finally realized they've been duped into hating each other so a few extremely wealthy elite could take control of the countries governments and courts that general strikes, protests and Americans on mass TOGETHER couldn't stop the divide and conquer? I think it's the only way