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We have always lived in the tower. We are legion | We/they/them | Editors: Alex Hofelich, Shawn Garrett | Asst. Eds: Kat Day, Scott Campbell | Host: Alasdair Stuart |
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“The first day of school. Bright, cold, the sky that special autumn blue.” Mr. Harmon’s Girls, by Elliott Gish Narrator: Louise Hewitt Host: Kat Day Audio: Chelsea Davis C/W: grooming This story is a PseudoPod original. Read or listen to the whole thing here:
PseudoPod 928: Mr. Harmon’s The first day of school. Bright, cold, the sky that special autumn blue. All of us in new clothes and fresh white shoes, bold and laughing, shy and silent, angry and turned darkly inwards.
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“Each story was a single pebble, held in the palm of a girl’s hand. Alone, they were nothing. Together, they were a landslide.”
“The first day of school. Bright, cold, the sky that special autumn blue.” Mr. Harmon’s Girls, by Elliott Gish Narrator: Louise Hewitt Host: Kat Day Audio: Chelsea Davis C/W: grooming This story is a PseudoPod original. Read or listen to the whole thing here:
PseudoPod 928: Mr. Harmon’s The first day of school. Bright, cold, the sky that special autumn blue. All of us in new clothes and fresh white shoes, bold and laughing, shy and silent, angry and turned darkly inwards.
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My short story, "Mr. Harmon's Girls," is live on ! Have a listen- but do mind the content warnings. ❤
“The first day of school. Bright, cold, the sky that special autumn blue.” Mr. Harmon’s Girls, by Elliott Gish Narrator: Louise Hewitt Host: Kat Day Audio: Chelsea Davis C/W: grooming This story is a PseudoPod original. Read or listen to the whole thing here:
PseudoPod 928: Mr. Harmon’s The first day of school. Bright, cold, the sky that special autumn blue. All of us in new clothes and fresh white shoes, bold and laughing, shy and silent, angry and turned darkly inwards.
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I recorded my hosting track for this episode before the latest revelations. That might be a good thing – I daresay I would have been rather more vitriolic. Go easy on yourselves: this is an excellent and important story, but it’s also challenging. If you need space, take it 🖤
“The first day of school. Bright, cold, the sky that special autumn blue.” Mr. Harmon’s Girls, by Elliott Gish Narrator: Louise Hewitt Host: Kat Day Audio: Chelsea Davis C/W: grooming This story is a PseudoPod original. Read or listen to the whole thing here:
PseudoPod 928: Mr. Harmon’s The first day of school. Bright, cold, the sky that special autumn blue. All of us in new clothes and fresh white shoes, bold and laughing, shy and silent, angry and turned darkly inwards.
“The first day of school. Bright, cold, the sky that special autumn blue.” Mr. Harmon’s Girls, by Elliott Gish Narrator: Louise Hewitt Host: Kat Day Audio: Chelsea Davis C/W: grooming This story is a PseudoPod original. Read or listen to the whole thing here:
PseudoPod 928: Mr. Harmon’s The first day of school. Bright, cold, the sky that special autumn blue. All of us in new clothes and fresh white shoes, bold and laughing, shy and silent, angry and turned darkly inwards.
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My favourite thing about my job is all of it. But a big part of it is reading, and talking about, staggeringly smart pieces of fiction like this one.
My short story was on over the weekend!
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“I read the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe at this time. Poe was in the school library, as he did not deal with sex, and was therefore considered suitable for children.” — Margaret Atwood (in ‘On Writers and Writing’)
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*deep breath* HERE GOES: "people who write dark fiction are inherently evil" and "people who write dark fiction are inherently nice and soft" are the exact same mistake and if you don't stop conflating creative output with morality you render yourself unable to see the missing stairs
Who else can name these? 🦑
So many. Mom’s in the hospital, I’ll just call my brother and we’ll visit. Hey, there’s this interesting biological sample from the arctic…. What a nice little country house for sale. It even has a garden that backs up onto a stream behind it.
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🎶I'm lurking in the rain, Just lurking in the rain, What an unholy omen, I'm haunting again.🎶
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Me to my murderer: can I give you my list on who to do next?
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Ask any fan writer or artist.
“if money was abolished would you still make content?” is the most insane AI bullshit i have ever heard in my life i was making art and drawing way before i was making money for it how fucking corrupt are these pieces of shit? money is barely part of the equation. its only there cause i NEED IT
“The people of Vulture City are calling him the Angel of Death.” Three Nights With the Angel of Death, by Emily Ruth Verona Narrator: Kevin M. Hayes Host: Alasdair Stuart Audio: Chelsea Davis This story was originally published in ALONG HARROWED TRAILS in July 2023
PseudoPod 927: Three Nights With the Angel of Arizona, 1884—Day One The people of Vulture City are calling him the Angel of Death. But that makes no difference to us. There’s a one-thousand-dollar reward on him, and that kind of money never comes...
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Instead of scaring your neighbors with fireworks this year, why not scare them the old fashioned way? Grow out your antlers and fangs, cultivate a thunderous beard of moss, haunt the night, and become a terrifying creature of legend and lore.
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“Are you still alive over there?” Beach Head, by Dan LeMoal Narrator: Trendane Sparks Host: Kat Day (standing in for Scott Campbell) Audio: Chelsea Davis This story was published in On Spec in 2008 & in The Best Horror of the Year Volume 1 in 2009
PseudoPod 926: Beach “Are you still alive over there?” Alvy’s voice sounded weak, but it retained the bong-huffing tonality that had been his hallmark since he hit puberty. It grated at me almost as badly as the grains of...
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You don't have to wait until Halloween to dress up as a mummy. You can just do that now and wrap yourself in bandages and wander around and vomit swarms of scarabs on people. You don't need October for that. You can turn their blood to black ichor with fell magicks in July. You're an adult, it's ok.
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age is just a number…calculated by the amount of other creature’s bones you assimilate into your Hunting Aspect per lunar cycle
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📽️ On this day, 103 years ago
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It's almost July, friends, which means: PodCastle will soon be OPEN TO SUBMISSIONS! General subs call, so: fantasy stories <6k, originals or reprints. You can send one of each at a time, and submit as soon as you're rejected, so get sending! Full guidelines in an algorithm-friendly location below:
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I listened to this at 2am, in bed by myself with the house creaking whilst settling. I didn't sleep until half an hour after it ended. Sublime.
“Are you still alive over there?” Beach Head, by Dan LeMoal Narrator: Trendane Sparks Host: Kat Day (standing in for Scott Campbell) Audio: Chelsea Davis This story was published in On Spec in 2008 & in The Best Horror of the Year Volume 1 in 2009
PseudoPod 926: Beach “Are you still alive over there?” Alvy’s voice sounded weak, but it retained the bong-huffing tonality that had been his hallmark since he hit puberty. It grated at me almost as badly as the grains of...
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If you enjoy sand, going to the beach, or're going to LOVE this amazing Rom-Com! (disclosure: It's NOT a Rom-Com (like, AT ALL)) It's still a neat story, though!!
“Are you still alive over there?” Beach Head, by Dan LeMoal Narrator: Trendane Sparks Host: Kat Day (standing in for Scott Campbell) Audio: Chelsea Davis This story was published in On Spec in 2008 & in The Best Horror of the Year Volume 1 in 2009
PseudoPod 926: Beach “Are you still alive over there?” Alvy’s voice sounded weak, but it retained the bong-huffing tonality that had been his hallmark since he hit puberty. It grated at me almost as badly as the grains of...
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This is an excellent story and an excellent performance by Trendane Sparks! Several small twists that really make this story fun
“Are you still alive over there?” Beach Head, by Dan LeMoal Narrator: Trendane Sparks Host: Kat Day (standing in for Scott Campbell) Audio: Chelsea Davis This story was published in On Spec in 2008 & in The Best Horror of the Year Volume 1 in 2009
PseudoPod 926: Beach “Are you still alive over there?” Alvy’s voice sounded weak, but it retained the bong-huffing tonality that had been his hallmark since he hit puberty. It grated at me almost as badly as the grains of...
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I had the privilege of reading both the short story that led to Sunbathers, and an early copy of the novella. It’s fabulous. Pick up a copy if you can! ☀️
You're not remotely ready for what's coming but... here's the sign-up sheet for upcoming Hedone ARCs and OH GUESS WHAT? IT INCLUDES MY EROTIC QUEER SUN-VAMPIRE NOVELLA, SUNBATHERS!
ARC Signups| July - Sept Hello from the DarkLit Press and Hedone Books family! We've bundled together 3 upcoming books that would appeal to anyone looking for queer, erotic horror (on a spectrum of intensity) with killer pl...
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Pride in the UK isn't just one month. It's usually from the start of May through to the end August. But I am in firm favour of July being Wrath Month. This definitely needs to become a universal thing.
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It’s me again! It wasn’t meant to me, but it is 😁 I’m not sure if ‘enjoy’ is the right word but… we hope you like this one 🏖️
“Are you still alive over there?” Beach Head, by Dan LeMoal Narrator: Trendane Sparks Host: Kat Day (standing in for Scott Campbell) Audio: Chelsea Davis This story was published in On Spec in 2008 & in The Best Horror of the Year Volume 1 in 2009
PseudoPod 926: Beach “Are you still alive over there?” Alvy’s voice sounded weak, but it retained the bong-huffing tonality that had been his hallmark since he hit puberty. It grated at me almost as badly as the grains of...
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Little things can have big impacts on your life. A single butterfly's wings can change weather half a world away. A little knowledge of dark magic can change all of your rivals into newts and ferns.