Eli Evans

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Eli Evans


Software designer by day, composer, indie author (SFF), beatmaker, erstwhile hornist, and real person. he/him https://elievans.art
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Well this is grim
Reposted byAvatar Eli Evans
Heck yeah. Robinson Crusoe, in space, where survival means Mc Guyvering batteries from alien bug guts while trying not to be hypnotized by space salamanders or eaten by giant walking tongues — but serious character-driven drama. 10/10, can't wait for season 2.
Consider this your reminder to watch Scavengers Reign on Netflix and juice the fuck outta its numbers and convince whoever needs convincing that there’s a place for amazing, adult-audience animation in the world. Thank u.
We prefer to be called "oblate spheroid earthers."
round earther
I mean, the real "funniest thing Biden could do" is use his commander-in-chief and treaty negotiation powers to unconditionally surrender the United States to the various tribes of Native Americans, but he won't. Also, happy 4th of July, you bunch of weirdos!
Outrageous thing about the immunity decision is it doesn't make doing policy easier, it only makes doing crimes easier. "What if dictatorship, but in no way benevolent?" Taking a bribe? Easy. Unilaterally enacting gun control? Impossible, even with impunity.
“because no” is the reason I don’t complete many actions myself, tbf
My computer's being weird
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true posters upload our brain waste directly to the web
Reminds me of my favorite Steven Wright joke. I have a map of the United States... Actual size. It says, 'Scale: 1 mile = 1 mile.' I spent last summer folding it. I hardly ever unroll it. People ask me where I live, and I say, 'E6.
Jorge Luis Borges is a formidable psychological warfare weapon against AI bros and LLMs themselves, if you think about it.
This made me laugh way too much.
Just realize Emily Yoshida not only wrote large parts of the masterpiece that is Shogun, she also explained Pokémon go to Werner Herzog and got this delightful exchange www.theverge.com/2016/7/28/12...
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So fwiw, I think we need to be careful not to think of elections as institutionalism, and more as expressions of power. You, for ancestral reasons, have the incredible power to vote. That's a really unintuitive power for you to have. Why should you have that right? But you do, for historical reasons
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Read this and just TRY not to say it out loud, just to see
Oh no, I showed this to my wife and now STABLE WIHOUT TIPPY FOR BIG MAN has entered the family lexicon.
say the 6 words he's been waiting to hear
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Hi lovely people! Would you mind boosting my Salish Sea marine science art? My contract job is going on an unexpected hiatus until sometime in July so I'd really appreciate the support. Here's some of the prints on the site: shop.noncompliantcyborg.com 🐙🦑🪼🌿🧪 #nudibranch #BSNM
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FWIW, I don’t want DMs. If we’re social, I have your number. If we’re parasocial, let’s talk on main. Y’all have fun, tho. ✌️
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Alright! No time to be mopey, I have too many ideas for that. Too many dragons to draw! :D Have some work in progress doodle with acrylics!
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Getting ready to loose the blood-dimmed tide.
Im finding all the best follows through Aurora pics.
The Aurora is like the astronomical version of Pokémon Go in 2016. So many people outside! At the same time! Looking at the same thing! And posting pictures online! I actually talked to one of my neighbors!
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I hate computing technology in a way that only someone who works with it every day will appreciate. xkcd.com/2030/
Voting Softwarexkcd.com
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I have aphantasia—the inability to picture things in my mind's eye. If you're a creative, tell me: Where do you fall on this spectrum? Picture a horse, then say what number reflects your experience. From: aphantasia.com/article/stra... Text-based version: aphantasia.com/study/vviq/
“Best Bobby Flay” is such a stupid show. Why can’t I stop watching it?
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Hiya! I paint and watercolor and have been doing so for just under a year. I really enjoy my journey, And I'm dragging my best friend along with me! @ittybittykitty.bsky.social
Bryan Cranston time travel confirmed.
Absolutely fantastic photo sent to me by instagram follower www.instagram.com/sw4gmag1ck. She didn't know much about it, just that the man was "one of my irish relatives in Pennsylvania a few years after immigrating".