
Seems like there should be more chatter about Deadloch.
I boost it whenever somebody mentions other shows from Oz but have yet to receive any direct response. Probably the best show I watched last year that wasn't based on a Mick Herron novel.
Before I was an annoying Slough House evangelist I was an annoying Deadloch evangelist. I tried to badger people into watching but it seems the "Broadchurch with lesbians and jokes" wasn't a huge draw.
It gives me immense pride to claim Madeleine Sami/Detective Eddie Redcliffe as a fellow Kiwi. Could any Australian actor swear with such fluency and panache? Could they really? (I'm just about to start London Rules in the other thing, btw. No spoilers.)
I'm one book ahead of you. He starts the first chapter saying two Slough House inmates are dead and then you spend the whole book trying to figure out if it's a trick and if so, how? (It better be a trick!)
I remember your concern for Roddy so I'm steeling myself for uncertain times ahead.
Maybe we need to tell them about the seal. Kevin is a favourite bit of mine.
I really like Deadloch and until I read this comment I forgot the lesbian aspect. It was the jokes, the actors (Kate Box!) and the setting. Solving the mystery was a letdown I saw coming but most shows have issues with endings. I'm looking forward to Season 2.
I loved the ending. The ultimate joke!
Deadloch is one of my favorite recent shows. I initially bailed on it because Amazon Video subtitles, which I fully need, were abysmally out of sync. Then I found another way to get it, binged, and loved.
Even with subtitles I had to look up stuff like "nangs"
Same here. And pademelon, and quite a a few others. Superbly enjoyable.
There you are - it's educational! It's a good thing when people become familiar with another language, right?
Thanks for reminding me! It sounded familiar when you mentioned it and so I looked it up and I had started to watch it and forgot. I know what's on for tonight!
There is a character who is incredibly annoying at first and you will be tempted to turn it off. Don't. Trust me.
I LOVE Deadloch. Can't believe more people don't know about it. Also Pretty Hard Cases. It's Canadian Cagney and Lacey with great jokes
Yup, That Character put us right off, but it was absolutely worth sticking with.
Ok cool thanks. I wondered why I started it and didn't continue & I have a vague memory of an annoying character but have no idea who.
I love crazy lesbians who don’t give a shit so I was hooked from the start
we quit during episode 1. it was childish.
I will admit I didn't get it at first as the over-the-top detective was SO BAD at their job that I thought there was no way they were actually a detective, and then it was explained and then it all made sense and from then on it was awesome.
Yeah, I almost turned it off early on because of her. But now of course she's my favorite.
No, that is a much bigger draw than “it’s ripper”
I will watch any Aussie dramas with Wentworth actresses. My son and I were low key obsessed with that binge this Fall.
Yes! It's brilliant and funny, with amazing acting and settings, a twisty plot and very Australian :) I just recced to a friend today after she recced 'Undone' to me - which is nothing like Deadloch, but also a sleeper delight
Just watched the first episode of Deadloch. It was terrific. Plan to get thru at least two more this weekend. It's nothing like what i expected. It's funny in a different way than i had imagined, and it's also dramatic as hell when it needs to be. Just a real corker. And Madeline Sami is bonkers!