
This is a good time to remember that if we valued women—AT ALL—we wouldn't have allowed Trump to get within shouting distance of the Oval in the first place. Imagine a world in which being a serial sexual predator made one persona non grata in business, entertainment, and/or politics. Imagine.
This is a man who clearly wanted wealth and power all his life *because* it would enable him to coerce and abuse women and get away with it, so there is some cosmic justice in the fact that there’s consequences in both this case and the E. Jean Carroll case
Jeffrey Toobin, after getting caught masturbating on a *work* Zoom call, spent a whopping eight months in a time out before getting his CNN gig back. He just had to explain that he was a smol bean and it was his birthday, a smol bean birthday boy. Fucking ridiculous
It is incredible how hard this is to imagine. I have spent a big chunk of my career trying to implement this just in my field and... Honestly a disaster and even baby steps are like lifting concrete shoes.
The book “Gender Threat: Masculinity In The Face Of Change” covers interesting data about men interpreting “consequences for sexual harassment” as “oppression of men”. It’s one place I think “not all men” is key: getting more men to internalize that they don’t need to identify with abusers of power
Would've helped with our SCOTUS problems too!
Imagine a world where rape and incest victims were believed.
Not helped by false accusations sending innocent people to jail or death. It's a horrible world we live in where both issues exist 😞
Sadly, the way Hillary Clinton was treated by the press & a large part of the American public in 2016 is one of the many things indicting we are a long way from being a country that values women. (The fact that reproductive rights was ignoring as an issue until Roe was overturned is another,)
It breaks my little brain that women voted for him
A lot of women voted for Trump, both times.
A lot of women (especially white women and especially Christian women) also have been raised to hate women.
That doesn’t negate the point.
He carried white women in '16 at least.
Yes, that was a pretty significant red flag that something was wrong with the dude's mind.
That he is also an out-and-out racist shows that the bar is pretty low for a white man who inherits a lot of money and a gift for gab.
I think her point is more that men need to value women more also.
Given the current climate of both genders, everyone needs to realise we are all human and equal, no one should be valued less. 💛
And why is it that two people posted that women are the reason that he was elected in the first place😳😳😳😳. That’s insane. Everything that’s I’ve read has always said the majority of his supporters are white and male. Insane.
I am shocked by the number of men normalizing his behaviour. Even worse is the women. Which makes me wonder (circling back) what the men in their lives are like.
I agree with your POV. But one could argue that it was the women's vote that put him over the top in 2016. And kept him from winning reelection in 2020.
One could argue that, I suppose. But given the way our electoral system works, it makes little sense to say that any single demographic group was decisive.
I think you're right Thinking about recent history, 3rd party candidates played a major role in disrupting elections in last 25 yrs. This relates to Trump in 2016, Bush 43 in 2000 & Clinton in 1992. Theres a thread that runs through the issue that is less about women & more about voter satisfaction.
When talking to undecided voters we need to just talk about his worst traits in vague terms & not use direct quotes that will automatically make them think we’re talking about trump. Then sit in silence while they slowly make the connection. Like “I really hate it when leaders lie” & let them agree
53% of white women voted for him
A) I didn't say "if we valued white women," I said "if we valued women" B) Pew Research has found that the number was closer to 48%, which is still bad, but even if you stick w/ 53%, that = 47% who didn't, let's not throw them out w/ the bathwater C) My friends & I, eg, canvassed *hard* against him🤷‍♀️
An examination of the 2016 electorate, based on validated One of the biggest challenges facing those who seek to understand U.S. elections is establishing an accurate portrait of the American electorate and the
Women have been majority of US voters since suffrage and a small majority of white women voted for Trump last time.
So what I'm hearing is that you think that oppressed groups don't regularly get co-opted into cooperating with and perpetuating their own oppression. Surprise!
Also obscures the point that women are more Democratic-leaning than men across every other demographic category, including race. Significant gap in Democratic support between college-educated and non-college educated white women, too.
Is it that we’ve given up on white men or is it that it’s easier to blame white women than it is to look at how much white men hate women?