Emily L'Orange πŸ¦†πŸŠ

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Emily L'Orange πŸ¦†πŸŠ


She/They. Illustration & Concept Art.
Artist for Blaseball: Wild Cards.
Mapper and Bug-Fixer on SKU, addon for WoW Classic.

Looking for remote work.
Portfolio: https://www.emilylorange.com/
[email protected]
After much time and love, this is "Red Tailed Hawk” - poster art I've created for Tribal Vision Festival 2024 πŸ’¦ #birdart #redtailhawk #furryart #illustration
#ArtFight doodles 11 and 12! Rosin for Destology Alkanta for Nameless_for_now #furry #anthro #art🦒
god give me the courage of the people i see running around in the dog park barefoot
'practicing is an unfair advantage' is the amazing confession of a man who's never accomplished anything and, more importantly, never tried
#ArtFight attacks 9 and 10! Matthew for driskyisaac Hazel for tcstarwind As a note since I've been asked: my art fight account is fairly easy to find, but I've avoided advertising it as my paid work has to come first, so I cannot guarantee I will be able to keep up #anthro #furry #art 🦒
i've finally hit that point where the retail WoW account announces a new feature and the sentence is made of real words but is completely unintelligible
i'm free 😊 (this is a lie i'm playing cataclysm, aka worse retail)
i discovered pine mouth and though it only happened the once, once was enough, never agian
my most boring adult opinion is, much like the IRS, a lot of people's poor opinions of the USPS would be solved by getting adequate funding and administration
Trump was so evil that people had to pretend to stan the U.S. Postal Service for three months
imagine a world where USPS's existence wasn't propped up by junk mail and instead they just delivered things you actually wanted. amazing. utopia. mail.
there's an interesting brand of person who wants to believe they're a leftist but also doesn't want to take responsibility for anything, ever, so they cobble together vaguely leftist language to ward off ever having to pay, support, or care for anyone else
would it be easier for them to just accept they like the idea of being part of a community but don't want to put in any of the work? sure, but that would require accepting they don't fit their own definitions of a 'Good Person', so we all have to suffer the essays instead
Them: "Having a network of friends is going to be critical to your survival in the next four years" Me, In My Socially-Isolated Autism Voice: "...cool..."
Another of my traditional media illustrations for MtG’s upcoming Bloomburrow set. ☺️ β€œHarvestrite Host” AD: Sam Padilla
If your win10 install is pushing Copilot on you: 1. Run PowerShell as Administrator 2. Paste: Get-AppxPackage *CoPilot* -AllUsers | Remove-AppPackage -AllUsers 3. Press Enter (There will not be any output if it is successfully removed) 4. Reboot Repost to save a life
Being more positive by ending my doom spiral and starting my doom ascent.
The purpose of stickers is to Never Use Them so that when you die your friends can put them on your coffin
Disabled artists not only already exist (and have always existed), but *OUR* art is in the fucking datasets that AI stole. Mine's in the LAION training set that everything is built on, probably ripped from DeviantArt without my consent. The fuck do you get off claiming that you're *helping* us?
Always love it, as a disabled artist, when ai evangelists try to tell me my objection to their planet-heating plagiarism machines is ableist.
if you broke into my house and took my hard drive and told me you were 'helping' my career absolutely no one would buy your bullshit the data taken to profit off of is no less *mine* because you got it through a third party. you were never granted license to it. Fuck off.
I amused by the idea that the grift of hating tech is more lucrative than the grift of cozying up to them. not a whole lot of venture capital in being a nay-sayer πŸ™„ also this 'if you hate it you're just too stupid to understand it' attitude is exactly the line tried with NFTs and subprime loans
#ArtFight days 7 and 8! Coral Dragon for ZebraFeatherAH Brisk for Fizzydragon #art #furry 🦒
sharing a cute comic with the group chat and noticing after I hit send that the author signed it 'ToothyBJ'
Hello #PortfolioDay! I'm a freelance illustrator currently working in the ttrpg and indie game dev spaces. πŸ’Œ[email protected] πŸ”—https://emilylorange.com 🎨https://tumblr.com/emilylorange πŸ–ΌοΈhttps://cara.app/emilylorange 🐘https://mastodon.art/@emilylorange
something that folks need to break the habit of, especially if they're interacting with people *they don't know* or do not speak english as a first language, is playful rudeness. 'delete this' or 'i hate you' does not translate well if you're a stranger. otherwise silly comments are fine.
Back in the Twitter days, I know some artists were like "Replies help engagement!" So I tried to leave a silly little comment but sometimes I felt like a goofball for doing it so I always ask artists: Benign or silly comments to art: yes or no?
this started last year and since then their policy has apparently been revised to say the wait period before you can contact CS on a transaction is now 30 days instead of the old 10. which kind of suggests to me it has nothing to do with paypal and its actually a cashflow problem.
that last bit is speculation on my part but its extremely suspicious that artist's cuts are starting to resemble short term interest free loans.