
Think of climate change like a high speed train heading for a wall. There’s a huge difference between hitting the wall at full speed and slowing the train down as much as possible before you get there. There’s no such thing as “totally doomed” - we CAN slow down the train!
I think a lot of folks steeped in climate doomerism have internalized "we break 1.5/2C and we're Totally Doomed" but every tenth of a degree we can prevent, warming-wise, is very important! 1.6C > 1.7C > 1.8C, etc it is important to take the good news as evidence that we can limit the damage
It's also really thick wall that gets harder the further the train gets into it! Stopping the train partway into the wall is a better outcome!
Yes- it’s important to remember that shaving even tenths of a degree off global warming will save millions of lives.
There's no effort too large, no change in the right direction too small -- they're all crucial in protecting our planet and every living thing on it!
but only if it's off the PEAK of it. I don't think any plausible projection sees it ever declining?
A quick search found a few, albeit for the most optimistic scenarios. I suspect other scenarios that achieve carbon neutrality eventually will also see declining temperatures. We don't see that because they only project to 2100.
huh? except for scenarios that never end carbon addition to the system, they all project an eventual decline. the 1.5C projection for example always included an initial overshoot and then reduction to 1.5C by 2100-ish
there is no foreseeable path that "ends carbon addition to the system"; on the contrary, all our governments are facilitating acceleration of carbon output.
oh ffs. most IPCC scenarios are such paths as a matter of fact. don't be a useless doomer
also, if you wanna be like that, human extinction ends addition of carbon to the system, too. so does civilizational collapse. stop saying egregiously ignorant things just to argue against shit
And to continue but torture the metaphor a bit, the more we slow down now, the more effective future brake technology is to slow us down further
And the less we might need to reverse (or, rather, manually push) the train out from the wall when it comes to that.
even if it just means slowing down the... impact so it's 100 or 200 years later, that's a LOT of time. not for scientific discoveries to miraculously save us, but for things like huge carbon capture tree planting and log sinking projects
A lot of lives saved too!
It's just a bummer that the people driving the train seem to be of the "yeah, we need to hit the brakes, but doing it TOO hard will mess up the train's economy" school. Not to mention a few saying "I'm not listening to your wall hoax!"
This is a very good analogy.
The first 10 minutes of this documentary on the French citizens' assembly are inspiring. (Watched with the auto-translate captions under the gear knob.)
Les 150 - des citoyens s'engagent après la convention citoyenne pour le climat | Documentaire Poussé par plusieurs associations écologiques, le Président de la République annonce la création de la première Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat. Un exercice de démocratie participative avec une ambition forte : réunir pendant 9 mois, 150 Français de tous horizons sociaux et politiques pour concevoir 149 mesures d'action face aux changements climatiques. Croyant à l'origine à une plaisanterie, ces citoyens tirés au sort ont pris « une claque » en réalisant l'ampleur de la crise climatique. Comment ont-ils vécu cette Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat ? Que sont devenus aujourd'hui ces 150 décideurs d'un temps ? Semaines après semaines, derrière les murs de la Convention, ils se sont d'abord informés au contact d'experts puis ont rassemblé leurs idées, partagé leurs doutes, et vécu, ensemble, une expérience inoubliable, qui, pour certains, a profondément changé leur vie. Rentrés chez eux, ils transforment leurs modes de vies, s'attellent à la tâche infinie d'informer, de sensibiliser, de transmettre. Certains ont vendu leur voiture, ont changé de métier, sont devenus végétariens. Entrepreneurs, architectes, étudiants, infirmiers, tous sujets d'une expérience démocratique, ils sont devenus acteurs de la lutte contre le changement climatique ! "Les 150" est en partie un film d'interviews face caméra, style cher à l'esthétique de Yann Arthus-Bertrand et en partie un suivi de 6 citoyens à l'engagement exemplaire. Un documentaire réalisé par : Baptiste Rouget-Luchaire Un projet de Yann Arthus-Bertrand Une coproduction : Hope Production / Calt Production / LCP-Assemblée nationale Année : 2021 Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube LCP ! Suivez-nous sur les réseaux ! Twitter : Facebook : Instagram : Retrouvez nous sur notre site : #LCP #Documentaire
Nah, because the train thing happens all at once. It's more like being pelted with more and larger rocks each passing year, starting decades ago. And the rocks are of somewhat random size and you can't always predict when your rock shields will give out in a certain direction (non linear impacts).