
dems regularly shooting themselves in their faces with this stuff is far more damaging than some lefty shitposters (Who would advise them not to shoot themselves in their faces like this)
Garland picked a Federalist Society member, Trump appointee to investigate Biden to virtue signal about Garland’s own personal virtue and fair mindedness, which is to say he had corrupt motives and should be fired
White House frustration with Garland The president believes the special counsel investigating his handling of classified documents went beyond his remit. And part of the blame is being placed on the AG.
damn you Chapo!!!!
The quadrennial tradition of liberals bashing the liberal candidate and conservatives bashing the liberal candidate has begun for all who celebrate.
remember the outrage when Obama nominated Panetta, breaking the “tradition” that SecDef is from the opposite party, which was only a “tradition” if you didn’t look at any republican presidents
Who'd have thought the fair-minded centrist compromise candidate Merrick Garland would ever fair-minded centrist compromise the country into fascism?
Sadly, Biden is incapable of learning a lesson which would necessitate him changing anything. A responsible leader would tell Garland "if Hur is still able to touch this case after Friday you're fired", fixing Obama's obvious 2016 mistake of failing to rein in Comey. But instead he'll do nothing.
“dems regularly shooting themselves in their faces with this stuff is far more damaging than some lefty shitposters” Nah, “I’m not gonna vote for Biden” is more damaging.
Which is what the “lefty shitposters” say all day everyday.
As a lefty shitposter, I am voting for Biden but I don't have any illusions about the fact that he's a genocidal geriatric. Nor can I muster a full-throated defense of the mediocre sack of shit.
I think you are taking posts too seriously as compared to “things the Attorney General does.”
They’re not voting for Biden. That’s dumb as fuck.
If you think posters of any kind are more influential than people who wield actual government power, your perception of reality is being warped by your screen time.
Garland must be fired. The Federalist Society, JFC.
replace "Garland" with "Christopher Wray" same equation
Garland’s whole deal as a judicial nominee was that he’s an ineffectual milquetoast who it’s absurd to vote against. He was never meant to actually be a Supreme Court justice. It’s absurd to actually appoint him to something politically important like this.
I've started thinking of people like Garland as "Comey hires." Appointed to vital jobs as a reward for virtue and/or consolation for past mistreatment rather than actual suitability to the moment.
It is one of the most frustrating things to have to continually ask them not to do unnecessary shit that comes back to hurt them. Having "The Left" to blame when it rebounds is just a handy side benefit for them.
Can you stop with the othering. Government is policy not a flex or personality. The cruel and insane policies of republicans right now is terrifying. This is to make you not care about that. Disgusting
Dems would rather lose the country to fascism because corporations think fascists will treat them better than progressives.
If I act this way about things, yes, this exactly, and it’s only some of the lefty shitposters, but it’s like whole democratic party