
Garland picked a Federalist Society member, Trump appointee to investigate Biden to virtue signal about Garland’s own personal virtue and fair mindedness, which is to say he had corrupt motives and should be fired
White House frustration with Garland The president believes the special counsel investigating his handling of classified documents went beyond his remit. And part of the blame is being placed on the AG.
Surely Garland has family he'd like to spend more time with?
But do they want to spend more time with him?
this is the guy Obama wanted on the supreme court
another Obungle still dragging us down
He didn’t even want him. It was a smarmy move to do some GOP hypocrisy porn.
I never wanted to believe … and frankly I tend not to side with any particular publication’s view *sigh* but it’s really getting to swords ⚔️ points now and I cannot ignore that nagging doubt I now harbor 🤦‍♀️
this may have been the worst possible time to give the AG to a squish, as some kind of consolation prize
I don't think he had corrupt motives. I just think Dems try way too hard to appease the right and end up shooting themselves in the foot every time.
trying to appease the right is not a legitimate reason to launch an investigation like this!
Also there’s no way to appease the screamers and I’m skeptical that there was a lot of marginal interest in this utter nothingburger.
Garland's daughter can't begin her clerkship with Elena Kagan until Garland resigns as attorney general, and I think that's a good enough off-ramp to get him the hell out of there. Doug Jones is right there and would breeze through the Senate.
Yes, I agree. They believe in rationale, but that doesn't work with the GOP or the CPC. Not anymore at least.
Very cool to endanger democracy so that he can get invites to federalist society events after leaving office
Spoiler: he's still not going to get the invites
SEE ALSO james Comey, who kneecapped Hillary in order to make a corrupt deal/signal with Jason chaffetz
Garland was rat-fucked by Republicans, he saw how they roll over people with lies and scams in real time in his face and he still does stuff like this. I do not understand.
Presuming that Biden wins reelection, kinda feeling like Garland is going to be shown the door pretty soon after that.
I'd rather not risk waiting too long. I don't think the Senate will flip, but I'd rather not risk it.
even if the senate flips, its still the current senate in place post-election from November to January
Agreed. Pull the band aid off now. Biden is now in a fight with the press about his age - he needs to try to win it.
What are you proposing? A time machine back to the seventies? The man is almost 82, will by 86 by the end of the second mandate if he wins and doesn't die in office. He's not getting any younger. Nobody wins a fight with Death.
I guess Biden would rather lose honorably than win dirty? It's high time to start ratfucking Trump. Now.
The grammar is little unclear to me, but this article seems to imply a quantum uncertainty about whether a trial is already underway in an alternate dimension.
You’re just not getting that Justice robe, Merrick, should’ve gotten over it and just done the job
I don't know if he had corrupt motives, but damn, when is the center left going to get that compromise only helps the right who refuse to? It took Obama like five years to figure that out.
lmao the democrats keep losing. they'll never get those centrists with this bullshit but it loses them support.
Right though you are, 1. I have no earthly idea how to make this argument to the press without declaring war on the Federalist Society and 2. do the Democrats want a confirmation fight this year?
I really don't think it would do him anything but good to declare war against FedSoc. They already don't play ball and the message of "hey jack that ridiculous report was written by one of the guys who made abortion illegal" is decent
Shit wheel gonna smash you for this bruh
When Orin Hatch recommends someone, dems should run like hell from them, instead they made the dude the cornerstone of their fucking party's approach to jurisprudence.
Where is Bill Barr when you need him?
If only anyone with some power and authority had listened to Sarah Kendzior's summary of Garland's background and loyalties.
But but Marcy told me he has done all he can!
Garland is unqualified to be Attorney General. He may have been a good Supreme Court appointee where the standards are lower.
If he's a Federalist Society member then I completely agree with this take
Probably, but it's too late. It would be too big of a scandal before the election. The real problem was a lack of imagination. They didn't think Trump would recapture the Republican party. Or inflation would make him the polling favorite. Garland wouldn't have mattered as much without those trends
be careful ryan marcy might lose her mind
Garland is Obama's worst mistake
Bombing a hospital might top a list somewhere
But that didn’t affect white Americans /s
oh, because abortion law and resurgent fascism don't affect people of color
Today I learned that bombing a Doctors Without Borders is acceptable if you also don’t codify Roe or replace a Justice who would protect it
today, you learned nothing, like every other day. far more people, and especially people of color, have died and will die as a result of abortion bans and Trump policies past and future.
Garland is a pos and your point is correct. However Elizabeth warren was a federalist society member. All judges in America at the federal level are federalist society members. It’s a prerequisite for getting appointed.
How about that two year delay before appointing a SC to look into Dump's coup? It was embarrassment from the J6 committee's findings to make him get off the dime. Profile in courage right there.