
aesthetically this flag is a crime but it do make rightoids angry so overall it's a net positive
It looks better as a vertical banner tbh
I agree with this. I think it's too busy as a flag but it looks good as a banner
I kinda wish they would have just slid the purple O into the yellow stripe that was already there. It would have made more sense, made it easy to update existing flags with a bit of paint or a marker, and made it look less cluttered.
As a quick example: Also, looking at this, I think it's the proportions I like the most. Each horizontal stripe is about 2 inches and the chevrons are about an inch. It flows well together and is easy to see. The other flag the yellow triangle is just dummy thiiicccc, and throws off the flow.
I spent a lot of time figuring out proportions when I made this before that new modern pride flag came out.
I'd rather keep the circle but put it within the white triangle. The gold of the intersex flag is a little darker than the yellow stripe.
Hmm, what about a two tone slash on the yellow then. A 90 degree angle about half way down that converts into the darker yellow, but I like your circle idea. It fits better. Here's some mockups. I like all 3, but the 3rd is my fav because it looks like a stargate symbol.
I like the first. The gold and deep purple is too much of a contrast to the pastels of the trans flag, and I'm not thrilled about the rainbow getting slowly squeezed for space. It represents everything we strive to be. The new additions are reminders that we need to work harder to be that...
we should add one more color somewhere every year, just to make them mad, no matter how much visually worse it makes the flag
add an ultraviolet and an infrared stripe
There's already one that has the bi flag in the fly of this flag.
that only you can see except it glows
they should do an asexual bordering for it next imo
having two different yet similar shades of yellow is driving me crazy
wait are they not the same??? oh i don't like that
Besides the trans flag. It’s by far the most beautiful pride flag till now
Yah I never really got why we needed to add more stuff to a rainbow that's already supposed to be all inclusive.
I assume the other symbolism got added because there were people for whom the Pride flag still represented gay sexuality, which was its original intent after all.
It’s not that tho, it’s about centering the most marginalized of the community
right, but this is an aesthetics question, not a question of what is right or pro-social
I don’t find an aesthetic problem here, it’s a clean inclusion
Like, it’s literally just a chevron
well aesthetics are up to interpretation so you can view this as artistic perfection if you want there is no objective right answer
yeah, the aesthetic problem here is the blech color choice of the trans flag 😛
the symbolism was specifically questioned in the preceding comment.
And it worked. I saw several racist trans get pissed by the inclusion of the black and brown stripes.
Ah, legit, cool, that's even better. I was trying to say that the original rainbow flag didn't cover enough people so thanks for the clarification.
I feel you, it’s a subtle distinction but I think it gets missed by some that it’s not about including the chevroned groups, but emphasizing their importance… In heraldry a chevron represents the Base of the house and signifies protection
Huh, I didn't know about the meaning of the chevron. when you think about it, it honors the ladies who got it all started at Stonewall.
idk there's a kinda maximalist charm to it in a way. but I do mostly love that it acts as chud repellant
meanwhile they're doing things like this
the white line is thinner and that pisses me off, and i think the circle could be centered better but otherwise i like it, especially vertical. also, the incredibles ohio flag meme was pretty good, so i like it for that reason too.
tbh my main complaint is putting white next yellow...
i think we should add more lines and stuff to it but only because it makes the worst people mad when we do
personally i can own multiple flags, i dont feel like i need everything to be on one flag. i dont need a one stop pride shop of a flag
i love this flag the same way people love ugly animals. i know it isnt aesthetically pleasing, but i just like to look at it anyways
be gay do (aesthetic) crime
I think we should also do a flag that's just each individual pride flag as an ever-shifting lenticular image
this is the maximum amount of information I think a flag should ever try to convey, unless it would annoy conservatives if the flag had even more on it
Oh it's a vexillologists sleep paralysis demon, but as long as it continues making conservatives angry, it could be as aesthetically nightmarish as it wants to.
Akshully if we use gradient tools in Photoshop there can be an infinite number of bars.
lmao agreed. I made one specifically to piss of Alabama fan homophobes and I'm sure flag people would hate me if they saw it.
I’m a little surprised there hasn’t been attempts at making it more aesthetically pleasing. The clash goes hard.