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SWM, cis, He/Him, dad, husband, Chemistry, TTRPG, Jazz, amateur piano, UU, Critter, Reply guy extraordinaire, possibly the most inconsequential person in the world, and OK with it.
In the end I don’t see how multiparty systems are better. Rather than having a primary, they just vote for whatever brand they want. In the end, one of two mediocre parties wins, but more often than not, it’s just one.
Ostensibly, our system is only two parties, but if you think AOC and Sinema are the same party, I think maybe “party” may not be the thing we need more of. Republicans are all one party, thats why they have more power. They vote red no matter who.
Don’t stay complacent. Do vote for Biden.
At my mom’s watching a local news segment about how people are recording Chipotle workers making their order so they get a bigger shitty burrito and posting the videos online and I just can’t wrap my brain around being that much of a gaping asshole for that little gain.
The alarms about Trump and his behaviour and the threat he poses have been going off almost a decade at max volume. People are danger fatigued. Even political junkies are fatigued at this point. Throw in a heavy dose of doomerism because the courts are mostly feckless and his possible reelection.
Netanyahu knows that the harder he hits Gaza, the more trouble he causes Biden. The Israeli right openly wants Trump. Trump will definitely “finish it”, as he said. Adelson wants him to give the entire West Bank to Israel. I don’t think I’m the one the one supporting genocide here.
If you think I support Israels genocide, you are badly misreading me, but I think we’ve been talking past each other for some time.
I don’t want any of it to happen, even if Trump wins. That’s not schadenfreude.
Oh, I don’t use the word ally for a reason. We’re Tuvix to each others Janeway. I have a responsibility to people I brought into this world.
No, MAGA will shoot you and get pardoned.
Oh no! I have a family, and my responsibility is to them, not suicide missions. If Trump is in office, I’ll literally be terrified to do anything like publicly protest. I live in a deep red area. Good luck!
If Trump wins, I won’t be happy. But there will be some satisfaction in watching the people that did everything they could to make it happen get thrown into unmarked cars, like they did in Portland. That’s called schadenfreude.
Yeah, low information voters watch CNN. It’s part of the problem. Instead of doing research, I’ll trust that the Biden administration has considerably more tools than you or I to figure out the best path to reelection.
So, the answer is no. I can’t wait to watch how your protests go with Trump in office. There will be a bit of schadenfreude, I think.
Accepting Hamas information, but not Israeli information is textbook anti-semitism. I’ve not heard the Biden administration calling protesters anti-semitic, except perhaps early in the war when nobody knew anything. I explicitly state that protesters are not anti-semitic so don’t put that shit on me
No, it’s because most Democratic voters are not as involved or politically engaged, and yes a significant portion are racist. Nobody is talking about swinging voters from right to left we’re talking about getting lazy centrists off their asses to vote. They aren’t who you think they are.
We don’t even agree about the facts on the ground, but you think Biden owes you fealty. You dismiss what Hamas did, because it happened to Jews. You’re a fucking anti-semitic nazi shit, not for oppising the war, but for dismissing Israel whole accepting Hamas. Fuck You
An ant doesn’t rape and murder a thousand people while high on captagon. I shouldn’t surprised that you’re OK with that.
I don’t think there is wiggle room in any of that, but early on in the war, I’m quite certain Hamas was using public spaces to cause casualties. There is no legitimate reason to have a bunker under a hospital unless the plan is to cause civilian deaths. They’ve always operated that way.
It isn’t, and most of those will turn around and vote for Biden in November.
Absolutely. And I think the ambiguity of the situation creates a lot of issues. The US should support Israel, but not unconditionally. Hamas is a brutal regime, and they are definitely trying to maximise casualties. So is Netanyahu. He sees that more casualties help Trump.
You don’t know Democratic voters, you only think you do. That’s why the left fails. It doesn’t understand just how horrid the centrists are.
We’re talking about Democratic voters that definitely don’t think Biden is a communist. The second part is probably correct.
You probably aren’t paying attention to this conversation then. The whole point is that we cannot win without people that support it. Those are the people you need to convince. Biden will respond to that. But we can win without you.