
giving up entirely now is the one thing that will in fact guarantee that they win
On the other hand, the end of Chevron deference & the GOP ratfucking of the administrative state means that any future Democratic presidential victory is now only a Pyrrhic victory.
It still goddamn beats the alternative and gives us way more levers to fight with.
I agree but it means that it will suck to be a Democratic president for the foreseeable future & I worry how that will degrade the quality of candidates we get later.
It will and people pre-emptively claiming that that means "the bad guys one" will achieve nothing but making that dynamic even worse. Do literally anything else with your time and energy other than spewing self-aggrandizing doomer shit all over.
I agree with your larger point about doomerism, but you can't also be all "clap harder" when we have some very negative outcomes, as losing Chevron deference will be. As Gramsci said, "Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will."
I don't disagree -- but this is literally the reality we are in right now and the #1 guaranteed thing that is not going to help is giving up. Successful protest movements and revolutions did not begin by everyone saying "The bad guys won, the war is over, we're all doomed."
People dog Dems (correctly) for being constant bed wetters but if they are bedwetters then leftists in online spaces are fully incontinent. Show some fucking determination! Get in the fight!