
if there is one survival skill I would REALLY like everyone opposed to the fascist GOP to learn right now, it's "do not say things on the public internet that will provide authorities with useful pretenses for coming after you."
what i am saying is "don't say dumb things on the public internet that could theoretically be used to give authorities an excuse to fuck with you"
Clarification: I mean “don’t make violent threats or describe plausible direct actions that might make the feds show up at your door on public social media, which is always a bad idea.“ I absolutely do not mean “posting opinions on social media that MAGAs don’t like.”
i have so many thoughts about so many things that i do not post. it's always okay to not post
I have often wanted to bite my tongue for what I have said, than for what I have not.
the amount of people who continue arguing with you about this is baffling lmao
Imay ivelay in Anadacay. Oesday atthay akemay enay afesay?
People's deep, deep immersion in privilege is shining brightly with this behavior. They simply cannot imagine a situation where the rights and privileges they've always known won't continue to protect them.
Pretty much yeah. Even if you are technically innocent and nothing came of it, they can still ruin your life anyway if they feel like it.
for real. if anyone thinks there are not a few trump flunkies at DOJ or secret service who are getting lists ready based off social media, they're kidding themselves.
Out of interest, I guess you don't mean "show support for abortion issues or like/share a trans positive post", right? Just because a LOT of people do things like that, and a truly fascist government might already see that as "bad enough". Yet we need to rally, organise, show support...
No, I’m saying “don’t make violent threats or describe plausible direct actions that might make the feds show up at your door.”
It has been a depressing exercise in gauging Bluesky's collective reading comprehension, watching the literal hundreds of ways in which people have misinterpreted what you're saying. This person was kind and genuine in asking 4 clarification, so we do have that going for us
And the people on this website are the people who are unusually good at reading comprehension as compared to others, I’d bet it makes you thinks
It is also harder to understand what other folks are saying when you're panicking
...&/or stressed, &/or distracted. I feel like many people would check All Of The Above these days
I fully expect some people to misunderstand what is being said here & then look at/like/support NOTHING political ever again for fear of persecution can be a scary place. So I'm glad this matter is being talked about here—about what is smart & necessary vs. detrimental & dangerous :)
Yes, that should go without saying, shouldn't it ... and yet. Thanks for raising awareness! :)
Really like the weirdly aggressive response to this advice by the dude who values "epistemic humility". Blockety-block
Who needs secret police when you have federal agents in unmarked vans
Yeah this is exactly why I'm not a real person. I've watched authoritarianism rise more and more in greater influence despite making some slight social progresses throughout my life. It is dangerous to be real and/or make potential statements towards a class that can and will kill you.
Should I consider myself fucked because of the massive electronic paper trail that already exists mocking these people, not to mention donations to Democratic candidates and groups like Planned Parenthood, or do I not matter because I didn’t go to school with Stephen Miller and call him a loser?
A whole bunch of loud people need to listen to recordings of Lenny Bruce real fast. “When a person is reading your joke in a courtroom in a monotone and asking you to explain every word, the humor does not translate.”
Sadly, this is truer now than it has ever been.
Was just in a conversation about this very thing.
Let 'em come. If Trump wins they're coming anyway. The only thing those lunatics, no set loose by today's decision, will need is on voter registrations. If there's a "D" after your name, they will come. This is my not subtle way of saying we have to stop Trump.
yes i agree we should stop trump, but we also should not be dumb about it
I’m reminded of how a girl in my little sister’s high school class made an FB status about wishing death on one of the teachers, and the police were at her door within hours that was in the late 2000s and a parent probably saw it the surveillance state is a lot stronger now than it was then
Is there really a distinction between public and private, though?
yes, there is in fact a distinction between saying stuff on a public social media site where anyone can see it with minimal effort and saying things in a secure application like Signal