
Also, and this is just personal, I’m never forgiving anyone who equivocated about our choices in 2016. Not a single one. I will hate you in life and haunt you in death.
will always be extremely fucking mad at the “stop fear-mongering about the Supreme Court!” dipshits in 2016
I remember seeing SCOTUS described as “emotional blackmail” in 2016. I hope that person has never stopped having awful days where small things never go right
I had a lawyer (white, male, trying to break into the cannabis industry in CA) tell me that on FB in 2016.
I hope he gets that thing where weed makes you puke uncontrollably
this is a beautifully specific curse, i am impressed it makes me feel bad to wish actual harm on people but a correctly calibrated wish for just the right amount of banal discomfort is very satisfying
I like to go to my ancestors for these: “May the fleas in his shirt marry the bedbugs in his sheets and have a thousand thousand children.”
The sad part is that I generally liked him in the years leading up to 2016. He’d grown up in the Memphis area, served as a Dem volunteer in 2008 and even served as a Public Defender for a bit after law school. He just went full “Jacobin Mag” after moving to the West Coast.
i hope he gets all the things twice