
It makes me feel very much unmoored from reality to see all this *buying into* the Biden Too Old ratfuck narrative, days after the Supreme Court ruled that Trump gets to be dictator for life, just weeks after Trump became a convicted felon (oh, and there’s the Epstein stuff that just came out).
It really is making *me* feel crazy to see a bunch of other Democrat voters running around screaming about how Biden is now unelectable, on the basis of one bad debate and an incredibly obvious ratfucking campaign by America’s most craven newspaper.
The more dangerous another Trump term is demonstrated to be, the more frantically NYT et al post repetitive knocks on Biden, and it's just accepted by many that this is a normal, rational and objective state of affairs.
It would be one thing if they accompanied "Biden Old" with a plethora of evidence of Trump's crimes, the lawlessness of the Supreme Court rulings and the dangers posed by the Project 2025 crowd in equivalent measure. But they very specifically do not! The ratio is entirely unbalanced.
Could be some people are feeling scared, possibly for the first time ever, and they have no clue what to do besides starting a stampede if they can. Could they stop, think, and do something actually useful?
I'm trying to be very understanding of people under stress, but I've had to unfollow some I've followed since coming here because their takes have been so panicked, reckless, and counterproductive that my respect for their judgment dropped with every post. I'll check in on them again in a few weeks.
But the old guy with the stutter didn't speak well! Buncha morons.
Biden is probably too old! But he was too old in 2020. Until there is evidence that this is differently salient to the average voter and not to online weirdos and the Times idiots, it’s not something worth thinking about.
Doesn't matter, we have Kamala Harris in the office as well. We need to remember we have adults in the room! It is an administration, not a person. A policy platform not a king.
This this this! I wish more people thought about it in those terms, wish that Biden could answer about his age “yeah, I’ve lost a step but I’m surrounded by capable people. When they tell me it’s time to step down I’ll gladly hand the reigns to my Excellent VP” or something
Also we are in a post cringe era, marvel movies are cinema and for the people 🙏🙏
It is all so blatantly manufactured and for some reason we are supposed to pretend it is legitimate.
I feel the same way. It’s disorienting.
thank you. i feel like i am losing my goddamn MIND.
I don't want to hear anything about Biden Too Old from anyone that isn't saying anything about the rapist felon on the other side.
Not only is he too old, he's too demented.
Look, I don’t know what should be done from here, but the problem is real and not just a rat fuck. Biden and his people have backed us into a corner that will be hard to get out of. John Ganz puts it well.
It’s one thing to be like, “Yep, not a great debate performance” and another to scream and tear at your hair and loudly declare that Biden must drop out. It’s like leaving your spouse because they lost their car keys once or putting the dog down because he farted
I actually sold my soul to the Biden admin yesterday. I am going to be a belligerent and unwavering supporter online and in real life. Coconut pilled Kamala posting unyieldingly. No thoughts, just centrist vibes.
I’m voting for them too, but you can’t clap harder your way out of this. The campaign has to stop fucking up.
I dunno, pretty sure bein silly and unburdened online is gonna save Us from getting our digital footprint "sentinimentaly evaluated for American values" if a trump admin gets goin. So yeah, for the next 5 months I'm clapping obscenely loud for Biden/Harris or whatever 🤷 cuz the alt is mire
Besides the headspace 🫨I get into when I'm in coconut zone🌴🥥🌈, is just what I need. Light, carefree. It's like a sip of lacroix near a beach on a Saturday early afternoon🏖️🥤😌. I ain't got noooo worries. I'm living🙏💅, I'm laughing😅, and I'm ✌️❤️loving.
Cuz it's sooo embarrassing 🤦‍♂️😳🙈
But the people most upset knew this was a thing 4 years ago. Suddenly they care now? Enough to bury the Epstein and SC stories? Obvious ratfucking
Those stories aren’t buried. You know about them because they’re being reported. This is not a good way to live.
My real time reaction of "President Biden is wiping the floor with this creep on substance. Too bad they're only listening for tone" has really driven my view of the last week of media frenzy.
Cannot imagine how you watched live and had that reaction. Do you think he won on substance about his golf handicap? He couldn't respond to any of the lies the other guy said in real time, it was not a tone problem. There was zero substance because he couldn't speak and convey ideas.
it's painful to watch. USA is LITERALLY sitting on the precipice of lost democracy, but lets all talk about how old the guy who's 3 yrs older than that Traitor-Useful-Idiot is. At this point it does not matter who the D candidate is. You're voting FOR democracy, or against it. Full stop.
Reuters released a poll this morning that showed Biden and Trump tied. Also found 1/3 of Democrats think someone else should run. Meanwhile the other 2/3s of us who live in reality have to listen to the screechy bedwetters.
At this point if people are going to just have a meltdown, just do it. Get out whatever bullshit you gotta get out, and do it right the fuck now. Pick yourself back up. Tbh you kinda can just go into the fetal position on July 3. It's really irrelevant. You just can't do this shit in September.
Not to mention that it's coming from all the same people who were basically like, suck it up, he's running again and he's your only choice. Like, no shit he's really old! We knew! We could've sorted this out in the primaries, but noooo
Yes, I need them to shut up and realize that that ship has sailed
I’m about to block the words Trump, Biden and election from all social media at this point.
UK - Brexit RW wet dream, that ppl voted for without understanding it, destroyed a lot of good things, just digging their way out. USA - hold my beer.
This is a nightmare. The democrats eat their own.
I really am truly thankful to be around and talking with people who have a healthy concern about the presidential exemptions ruling, and about Project 2025, and a whole lot less worried about the president's age.
Biden too old? He will step down when he wants 🤷, this narrative that no one knows what they are doing ignores that there is a competent and fully capable leader RIGHT THERE. feel like we forgot that we have a backup president. Invoke the 25th after inauguration. It's the Harris admin now.
As far as I gather Biden could order Seal Team Six to go merk his political opponents as long as he does it as a "Presidential Act", whatever that is. I'm not sure why this SCOTUS ruling would apply to Trump and not Biden, I haven't read it though.
The number one rule of executive office: don't give an order that won't be followed. Biden has people under him that respect the constitution, no one under him would carry out such an order.
I don't think they would have the courage or the integrity.
It’s not one bad debate. The debate was just the venue for millions of people to see that he is too far gone to do this. And that is rightfully angering when we were repeatedly assured otherwise. Because an incredibly vigorous campaign is needed to defeat a maniac
Did u know Biden was born 3 years before microwave ovens were invented? Trump was born the year after microwaves were invented and certifiably hung out with Jeffery Epstein, but Biden was born 3 years before microwaves were even INVENTED
We all saw it. As a life-long Dem, “Joe is not fit for another four years”. Period. Not his fault, I love him. Kamala will destroy Trump. He won’t know how to handle her, besides throwing out degrading, racist and misogynistic tropes-which will push away more and more from his fascist ass.
So I've missed the Epstein stuff, could you link to it please
Thanks, though this doesn't seem to say much that's new.