
I’ve long been amazed that the general New York Times customer demographic has bee willing to put up with their shit for this long, and I think we’ve finally found the limit of what normie Democrat Times readers are willing to tolerate. Good
I really do hope that New York Times leadership are being forced to consider, possibly for the first time ever in their smug and odious lives, if they’ve really done fucked up this time I mean, when they’ve lost the Threads crowd…
you can't even use "summer silly season" as an excuse when two of the most maniacal SCOTUS decisions in the last 50 years came down within the last three weeks and barely got any front page coverage
I think the Times leadership would rather go full NY Post than sing mea culpa to their fleeing subscribers.
lol this may be fun to watch
After all, there are lots of places on the internet with recipes.
Everyone was scared that low information swing voters would be swayed by all the bad faith Biden coverage, but maybe it's so bad faith that even the low information swing voters think it's bad faith (this is possibly supported by the lack of change in national polls)