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Likes woods, folklore, and books.
abstract art and they use their tongue to hold the pencils, not their hooves
Right, I wasn't thinking of Vance pardoning him. If he was planning to step down, though, I would have thought he'd have Don Jr. as his VP
You have that and I'll go with the dark chocolate orange
The reasons I have heard given why he still is running include, to stay out of prison and ego
not his sugar daddy, though?
that is very unfortunate
Reposted byAvatar Ferles
Smallest Babou discovered
No, it didn't. He apparently had been looking at it for some time. What spurred him to act faster was the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity. Apparently he called at least one constitutional scholar within hours after that to review options.
Personally I was expecting he would wait until after the election to announce this and to expand the number of Supreme Court justices. I am glad to see the proposal for change and hope it gets implemented. I also hope they expand the # of justices to counter the stolen ones
Reposted byAvatar Ferles
Another commission I did
that sounds like me also applies to snail mail and email sometimes overwhelmed with life as a whole right now, For some time I have also been meaning to mail you a furry hotel card, but feel to overwhelmed for that as well. You should get it with a few years or so...
okaayyy, *edges carefully towards truck* "hey nerd" was really bringing back bully flashbacks (joking)
*scurries away to burrow and hides, panting heavily*
Reposted byAvatar Ferles
at this point it's the right thing to do. It's either get behind Biden to maintain a democracy, or just give up and accept a dictatorship. I know which one I would choose.
Great! I am going to go find that essay!
I was rather expecting he would do it if re-elected, but was thinking he would he wait until after the election
Reposted byAvatar Ferles
I sincerely never thought he would get to this point and I am delighted to see it even if he cannot enact it himself this changes the conversation about what’s possible within the Democratic Party, which has been badly needed for years fantastic news
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
I think the fact that he didn't jump to do it right away was good (even though I was wanting change sooner). He has a much stronger case now for change and it is harder to make the case that such a move would be purely partisan.
Reposted byAvatar Ferles
Like with AOC impeaching Alito and Thomas it'll assuredly get blocked by Republicans *but* it also helps push the Overton window by signaling "hey, this isn't okay and I see it too."
oh, I thought it was over since they announced the VP
I lived in Northampton, Massachusetts for some time and went to the Words and Pictures Museum founded by Kevin Eastman. They had lots of TMNT material
Reposted byAvatar Ferles
There were Two More comics about having sex with demons, but they've been WIP for like three years How to remind myself they exist
I take it that you were able to figure out how to do it, though
I hope you are able to get some sleep and feel less stressed tomorrow
Reposted byAvatar Ferles
Fighting Polar Bear Dad 🐻‍❄️ 戦う白熊お父さん🐻‍❄️
Progressives in US pushing Fahrenheit because it is traditional and what they grew up with? They don't see how that is essentially a conservative stance?
yah, I am with you there