Fernanda Ferreira

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Fernanda Ferreira


Psycholinguist @UCDavis. Made in Portugal, raised in Canada, happily living in California.
Can anyone point me to a scientific paper or two showing that people tend to slow down as they approach their goal?
France showing us how you fight fascism: wake up to the reality of the danger, coalesce behind viable candidates and avoid dividing the anti-fascist vote, and show up to VOTE!
2022-23 BIack In Neuro Annual Report is posted! We want to acknowledge all involved in its preparation. Cover: Ni-ka Ford, CMI Graphic Design: Daniela Franco Reporting: @tory-teller.bsky.social @pkpd-babe.bsky.social @heyitsalma.bsky.social Darielle Lewis-Sanders, Ubadah Sabbagh, and Danielle Nadin.
Check out my new PsyArXiv submission! It's a commentary for a special issue in TopiCS about Predictive Processing and Bayesian models. I spend most of the time asking annoying questions and calling myself silly. You might enjoy 😀
Interested in anaphora and reference? Have we got the articles for you! Announcing 2 new @DiamondOpenAccess articles in Glossa Psycholinguistics! Find them at escholarship.org/uc/glossapsy...
Glossa Psycholinguisticsescholarship.org
Instead of despair: 1) Elect Dems up and down the ballot. Don’t waste your vote on 3rd party candidates. And do vote! 2) Relentlessly pressure politicians to pursue a broad progressive agenda. 3) Expand the Supreme Court, pass term limits for justices. We CAN turn things around!
The fact that Biden has delivered on left-wing policy far better than any president in generations but is widely despised by left-wing voters reflects more poorly on left-wing institutions and voters than on Biden. This is not a movement showing political maturity, and I say that as a left-winger
I feel like the main political divide on this website is between “Joe Biden is terrible and old and I hate him” and “Joe Biden is terrible and old and I will crawl over broken glass to vote for a rancid ham sandwich against Donald Trump” very few people are actually huge fans of the guy
Sorry to import something over from the bad place, but this might be my favorite social media post of all time
A few years ago, Jon Lovett floated a theory that media treats Democrats like protagonists - to be challenged, accounted, and forced to be behave in growth-oriented ways - while the GOP are treated like antagonists - immutable, expected to disrupt, thematic obstacles. Thinking about that a lot.
I don’t recall the NYT calling for Trump to step down after being convicted of 34 counts of fraud and being called by a judge at his civil trial a rapist in the common person sense
Heading home after spending some fantastic days in the amazing city of Seoul, thinking about last night’s debate and today’s Supreme Court decisions, and trying to squelch the strong feeling that the US is a failing state.
It seems everyone now says or writes "graduated high school", and I'm wondering, what happened to the "from"? Has the language changed and I somehow missed the memo, or is this a dialect thing?
We get it, you're too cool to answer your phone, but some of the replies to this story are ableist and unkind. If someone you love is hospitalized or in a nursing home, you may get calls from unknown numbers because staff often use their own cell phones to convey important information to family.
The first rule of avoiding scam calls is to never answer unknown numbers, and even some known ones. Curious? Bored? Worried it’s an emergency? Wait the extra minute it takes for the call to go to voice mail, then decide if it’s legitimate.
Sick of scams? Stop answering your phone.www.washingtonpost.com Phone scams are still hugely popular — and they depend entirely on people curious enough to answer.
Oh my gosh, this thread! As I’m reading through it I’ll think of a book from my past and there it’ll be, the next one on this list. Amazing
Once upon a time I had the idea of writing a book called ‘The Ageing Intellectual’s Book Shelf’ with 100 titles (non fiction) bookish people maybe a little older than me would have had. Might slowly do it here, though without the discussion. Here’s the obvious first. Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring.
Highlight of my day was being on a qualifying exam committee at my PhD institution, UC Davis. Being reminded of the amazing people there, the intelligence combined with kindness and support, the memories of being on the student side of the table – what a feeling 🥰
Check out three exciting new articles in Glossa Psycholinguistics! We've got famous protagonists, eventuality, and extraction from islands!
3 new DiamondOpenAccess articles in @glossapsycholx. Find them at escholarship.org/uc/glossapsy....
Glossa Psycholinguisticsescholarship.org
The Central Park 5 laughing bigly
Look. I care about climate change a lot. I'm close to a single-issue voter on the subject! But we have GOT to stop worrying about what are, in the scheme of things, rounding errors. I hate, hate, hate this kind of personal-responsibility climate stuff, it's deeply counterproductive.
The abuse of public records to attack researchers, a thread: On Tuesday morning of this week (May 21), Matt Taibbi began to send me a series of messages requesting my response to a series of leading questions about public records that he planned to publish as part of an upcoming series of articles.
Thanks to @jonrbrennan.bsky.social, Julie Boland, @lisalevinson.bsky.social, and everyone else involved in organizing and executing this year’s Human Sentence Processing Conference! Lots of thought-provoking presentations, great food, wonderful venue - a huge success all around!
Thank you, @jonrbrennan.bsky.social and Julie Boland, for all your hard work to make the workshop a success. We were honored to have been part of this event to honor Janet's innumerable contributions to our personal and scientific lives.
Tremendously moved and inspired by the Janet D Fodor memorial workshop today - thank you @fernandaedi.bsky.social and John Trueswell for bringing everyone together to celebrate her amazing legacy. See you all at #HSP2024 tomorrow!
Janet Dean Fodor will be honored at this year's #HSP2024 conference. Do you have a fond memory of Janet that you would like to share? Or do you want to describe how Janet or the CUNY/HSP conference influenced your career? Or would you like to share some other tribute to Janet?
This Mother's Day I wish I could thank my mother for -making me chá de limão when I was sick -teaching me how how to cook the Portuguese way -showing me the value of independence -modeling resilience and strength -sewing me dresses that made the Anglo girls jealous -being there until she couldn't ❤️
Janet Dean Fodor will be honored at this year's #HSP2024 conference. Do you have a fond memory of Janet that you would like to share? Or do you want to describe how Janet or the CUNY/HSP conference influenced your career? Or would you like to share some other tribute to Janet?
Janet Dean Fodor will be honored at this year's #HSP2024 conference. Do you have a fond memory of Janet that you would like to share? Or do you want to describe how Janet or the CUNY/HSP conference influenced your career? Or would you like to share some other tribute to Janet?
When a replication fails, researchers have to decide whether to make another attempt or move on. How should we think about this decision? Here's a new paper trying to answer this question, led by Veronica Boyce and featuring student authors from my class! osf.io/preprints/ps...