
This is a stupider result than just overturning it in its entirety, and the only lens to read it through is Roberts desperately not wanting a shitload of Republican induced chaos right before the election.
One tiny Chevron saving grace: "today's decision does not call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron framework. The holdings of those cases that specific agency actions are lawful--including the Clean Air Act holding of Chevron itself--are still subject to statutory stare decisis"
I would understand saying that decisions that relied on chevron remained in place barring more litigation, but saying specifically that they retain precedential value even as the decision undergirding them was overturned is absurd.
What does that even mean? Like, logically, how does that make sense?
It means “we want Donald Trump to win.”
it's basically how people are describing it elsewhere: a judicial power grab "with this ruling, we get to decide what regulations count, and as a starting point, we'll say all established decisions stand. Come back later and maybe we'll change our minds."
It's a judicial line-item veto for them to be allowed to keep or remove whatever they see fit
And allow them to functionally strike down legislation without actually striking it down by simply invalidating every agency implementation of it.
“It’s totally constitutional to regulate the environment, just not like that. Or like that. Or that.”
Not saying it will be *good* but as a practical matter it is slow and costly to do that through the courts and faster and cheaper to prop them back up with new wording, and that's before we start talking about Congressional remedies. They are not coming to this fight better armed
A lot of the cynical underpinning Chevron was this practical reality, which is why I'm surprised they want this fight
I wonder if Roberts and someone else threatened to join the liberals if Alito didn’t budge on prior cases Judicial Kremlinology is fun
Decision according to neutral and general principles of law that govern every case to which their logic applies? Naaaaaaaah that's for SUCKERS
At least bribery is legal now
All the better to seek gratuities with.
Too bad for him, the lawsuits will happen anyway.
Yeah, they’ll be like “fuck precedent, chevron isn’t binding anymore so this thing gets tossed.”
And under this ruling they’d be fine to do so. How in the world would they treat a precedent based on chevron, itself no longer precedent, as precedent?
Roberts: haha yes yes!!! Republicans: “we are suing the FDA to allow botulism” Roberts: what the fuck, what
I mean that’s the relationship between Bruen and Rahimi.
That guy's so milquetoast he might as well be a Democrat.