
PSA: For the sake of my own mental and intellectual well-being, I’ve unfollowed and blocked this troll who used to be a decently thoughtful commentator, and I think you should as well.
you want to talk about rapid cognitive decline, that’s the worst case of NYT brain I’ve ever seen
It’s genuinely a little frightening.
the group chat they get added to must be insane
Went to check out his feed and it’s even worse than I expected
Yeah, it is very bad stuff. And for somebody who was telling his whole audience that he was just telling them hard truths but wanted to share the whole truth, his whole feed has become nothing but confirmation bias.
It pisses me off that he clearly has no access to shit we don’t. He is very clearly implying in these threads that he has some insider expertise he can’t share with us (probably it’s just being able to hear NYT reporters gas themselves up) then is like “Pod Save America says it’s bad too, guys!!!”
Right! He’s coy about it (what if I told you they had info they couldn’t share??) to be able to say he’s not lying, just implying, but yeah its like “PSA used the word bedwetting and Hillary lost therefore Biden will lose lol”
Before he blocked me I actually QTed one of his posts claiming "secret info" & at the time I pointed out that if they can't actually confirm this shit that's evidence that the rumors aren't true.
“It not just the media talking about this” Links to Pod Save America
Watching those guys go into a full panic after the debate was interesting. More interesting was their own debate about whether Biden should be replaced where they randomly chose which side they were on because it's an actual discussion about pros and cons.
An Honest Debate On Whether Joe Biden Should Drop Out (w/ Mehdi Hasan) Democrats begin to grapple with two huge questions: is it possible to replace Biden at the top of the ticket—and is it wise? Mehdi Hasan joins Jon, Lovett, T...
This is the fastest speedrun I’ve done from mutual to block
The speed with which he went from “I disagree but in good faith” to “being kind of a dick publicly but seems ok DMing me out of the blue” to “won’t answer my good faith questions” to “subtweeted me specifically when I called him out openly” was shocking. Like four days.
I've some grace for folks being a bad mental place this week and processing anxieties in unhealthy ways. But there are still, like, limits to that grace.
Yeah, I did not come to this quickly or with pleasure.
(The sources in that article are donors; they're literally outside the house.)
I am not even sure the claim “the VP is the successor to the president” even needs sourcing, much less inside sourcing!!!
Right. Its peak beltway brain to be like "this extremely obvious fact that it anyonen with even passing political knowledge could probably guess at is actually this super savvy insight that I & my esteemed colleauges have that normies couldnt possibly."
"VP most likely to succeed president." Wow, no shit? This what you got your journalism degree for?
The Humphrey icon really reassures me that he has a good sense of how things will play out
Ugh. The importance of learning when to log off. (Not me though. I'm built different.)
I know this is an uncharitable way to evaluate people because you gotta do what you gotta do, but I've observed a distinct overlap between "periodically deletes posts" and people who turn out to be total shitheads.