Martyn Haddock

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Martyn Haddock

Nano Brewer out of a pub in Brighton UK. European
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Reposted byAvatar Martyn Haddock
Reposted byAvatar Martyn Haddock
Before you vote on Thursday, check to see if a tactical vote will do more good in your area.
Reposted byAvatar Martyn Haddock
Reposted byAvatar Martyn Haddock
Reposted byAvatar Martyn Haddock
Reposted byAvatar Martyn Haddock
If there's a heaven, I've no doubt Ms. Parton is going there. The writer of that article, on the other hand, will be deeply surprised at her final destination. If there is no heaven, Ms. Parton is still a good example of public kindness and decency, and the author of the article is a fuckin' bigot.
Morbid curiosity got the best of me, and I read this. The argument is literally that Dolly Parton is a fake, destructive Christian because despite a lifetime of kindness, decency, philanthropy, and spreading joy around the world, she won’t explicitly condemn gay people for their wickedness.
Reposted byAvatar Martyn Haddock
“When I looked up and saw the Earth coming up on this very stark, beat-up Moon horizon…I was immediately almost overcome with the thought, ‘Here we came all this way to the Moon, and yet the most significant thing we’re seeing is our own home planet, the Earth.’” RIP Bill Anders.
Reposted byAvatar Martyn Haddock
As I live in the bit of Ireland Britain still claims, I can't take part in the European Parliamentary Elections because a shower of racist gowls took the UK out of the EU. Also, I can't vote for either main UK party in the upcoming General Election because neither of them even field candidates here.
Reposted byAvatar Martyn Haddock
RISHI: It's still pissing down out there. Are you sure about this? PR GUY: Yes RISHI: Why can't we use the press room? PR GUY: Larry the cat's asleep in there RISHI: We could wake him? PR GUY: RISHI: PR GUY: No RISHI: PR GUY: Go knock em dead, champ RISHI: Um. Okay PR GUY: What a tit.
Reposted byAvatar Martyn Haddock
Reposted byAvatar Martyn Haddock
Wrote about how cars are the devil
Going through some old homebrew, 5 year old pear IPA, 9.2%. massive booze on the nose but quite subtle
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Reposted byAvatar Martyn Haddock
I will find any excuse to complain to ofgem knowing that each complaint I escalate, charges my energy supplier £500 as an admin fee for an ofgem intervention. You can complain about high prices if you're stuck for a complaint. Fuck you British Gas and your 900% profit increase.
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Reposted byAvatar Martyn Haddock
Purging kegs, I need a keg washer...
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Reposted byAvatar Martyn Haddock
There would be fewer fights in pubs if pint glasses were bigger and not filled to the rim.
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The Robin dance! 💃😍 Taken yesterday at RSPB Greylake in Somerset. 😊🐦
2 Burning Sky pints from the 2 best pubs in central Brighton, The Evening Star and The Rook Aurora on cask and Quench, a bretted pale, beautiful
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Historic Beer Birthday: Andrew MacElhone (
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Happy At Last Day, when we can At Last say, whatever happens, absolutely definitely, that the general election is LESS THAN A YEAR AWAY.
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It's the #BigGardenBirdWatch this weekend so I've badly drawn some of the main suspects for you to colour in while you're counting them
On holiday in the french Alps, not much macro beer (thankfully) and a good Belgian selection. The french do seem to like it sweet though
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On holiday once and visited a bar where there was a hypnotist. Long story short, I ended up on the stage PRETENDING to be hypnotized because I was far too British to admit I wasn't and spoil the show, so I just went along with everything he 'told' me to do. Good God.