Jonn Elledge

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Jonn Elledge

writer and shouter. New Statesman, Paper Cuts, The Newsletter of (Not Quite) Everything, Conspiracy: A History of Bollocks Theories & How Not To Fall For Them, etc.
"Keir Starmer is Prime Minister, with a majority to rival Tony Blair’s. Yet somehow, it felt deflating." Me trying to work out what was going on in my brain on election night. (Yes, I know, I know.)
Election night should have been jubilant. Why did it feel flat? Perhaps expectations were too high, or maybe it was Reform’s looming presence.
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no no no no miriam cates LOST! We don't need to hear her on the radio now, you see. Because she didn't get elected! I know it's a reflex, but she's just another citizen with bad fearmongering opinions! This is how democracy works.
it started pissing out down when I was in a beer garden last night and someone* did genuinely yell "KEIR STARMER'S BRITAIN" at the sky *me
Labour's Britain
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Okay, so this thing where whatever the polling industry does, it seems, they never quite get Labour's voteshare right: Is it possible there's a sort of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle thing? The very act of measuring Labour's vote share moves the polls?
"What there is, though, is a vibe, of being in a club, chatting to someone you’ve only just met, convinced through chemical assistance that you are having the most profound meeting of minds that anyone has ever had in the entire history of the world."
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I think by saying it's the last day you can justify it you're underselling a talent for finding a way to justify things.
This will almost certainly be the last day I can ever justify doing this, so: A close reading of the lyrics to D:Ream’s ‘Things Can Only Get Better’
A close reading of the lyrics to D:Ream’s ‘Things Can Only Get Better’ This will almost certainly be the last day I can ever justify doing this.
"staffers griping that they have not been paid for six weeks because of the lack of funds" feels like the right ending for this government, dramatically speaking
Today’s newsletter: some thoughts on Rishi Sunak’s election campaign, and the decisions, in the last six weeks, but also the last two years that made it so:
Why has Rishi Sunak’s campaign been such a disaster? The PM’s blunders worsened his chances amid a backdrop of crumbling public services and party fundraising struggles
This will almost certainly be the last day I can ever justify doing this, so: A close reading of the lyrics to D:Ream’s ‘Things Can Only Get Better’
A close reading of the lyrics to D:Ream’s ‘Things Can Only Get Better’ This will almost certainly be the last day I can ever justify doing this.
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So, I think when my editor asked me to do a long list of Tory policy screw ups since 2010, he was expecting something funny? The reality was... not particularly funny.
An (incomplete) list of every terrible policy the Conservatives have inflicted on Britain since 2010 | Jonn Readers, brace yourselves, says the writer Jonn Elledge
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"In almost every realm of government activity, this lot have made life worse. The policies referred to in every sentence in this article have damaged untold thousands of lives. The party has created the broken Britain it claimed its mission was to repair."
An (incomplete) list of every terrible policy the Conservatives have inflicted on Britain since 2010 | Jonn Readers, brace yourselves, says the writer Jonn Elledge
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So... which senior Tories are most likely to lose their seats and give us the Portillo moment we all crave?
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Featuring more of the work I’ve been supporting NatCen with, looking at the trends and demographics that underlie the electoral shifts we are seeing - take a look!
Also this week: some gaffes, a map and a chart; and, away from the election, some notes on the axolotl.
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I don’t like first past the post and in general prefer minority governments or coalitions. But I think it would be very bad for everyone if Sunak’s Conservative party didn’t get a notably worse result than Major’s, because the cynical and lazy approach of the last two years would appear validated.
One of the great benefits of First Past The Post is that it enables voters to kick out the bums. Tomorrow should be cathartic for a lot of people. There will be a lot of talk about disproportionality, but that will overlook a central desire of much of the electorate to punish the incumbents.
So... which senior Tories are most likely to lose their seats and give us the Portillo moment we all crave?
So, I think when my editor asked me to do a long list of Tory policy screw ups since 2010, he was expecting something funny? The reality was... not particularly funny.
An (incomplete) list of every terrible policy the Conservatives have inflicted on Britain since 2010 | Jonn Readers, brace yourselves, says the writer Jonn Elledge
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“Starmer didn’t cause that election and start the intra Tory wars…”
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This very much describes my social life in the eighties, at Sheffield Poly.
Poly Woman Really Not Trying To Fuck You:
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"I thought the woo about how 'we need buildings to have subserviant relationships with rivers for our mental health' was a nice touch." This week's Nimby Watch concerns a nimby campaign leaflet which feels suspiciously similar to, er, Nimby Watch.
Nimby Watch: The well-read Nimbys of For this week’s edition of ‘Nimby Watch’, Jonn Elledge takes us to west London, where local Nimbys appear to have taken entirely the wrong lesson from his work… Where are we this week? Brentford. Oooh...
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don’t get sad if someone doesn't text you back. people only check their phones all day every day until they fall asleep or die.
"I thought the woo about how 'we need buildings to have subserviant relationships with rivers for our mental health' was a nice touch." This week's Nimby Watch concerns a nimby campaign leaflet which feels suspiciously similar to, er, Nimby Watch.
Nimby Watch: The well-read Nimbys of For this week’s edition of ‘Nimby Watch’, Jonn Elledge takes us to west London, where local Nimbys appear to have taken entirely the wrong lesson from his work… Where are we this week? Brentford. Oooh...
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If you’re wondering if Ed Davey’s antics pay off in terms of positive media coverage for the Lib Dems, Sky News just cut away from a discussion of England’s Euros prep to show Ed bungee-jumping.
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Things I've spontaneously said to animals. Mailing list: Patreon:
"All Mail splashes are capped up, like a WhatsApp from your nan." ICYMI, Saturday's column
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i have a new thing to say when people ask me how bluesky is
it's very good. somehow i keep seeing synthetic flesh face though