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I write about the Franklin Expedition and other parts of history heavy on the “doomed” and “ill-fated” side of things. I also have a sideline in petting cats in Victorian cemeteries.

MD-ANT. NUJ member.
I have managed to subvert this today by closing all news/social media tabs at 7am and writing a new article.
It's a big day for the #FranklinSearch thirst community (me): Captain William Penny was born #OTD in 1809! William Parker Snow speaks for everyone (me) when he described meeting Penny in 1850: "...the very man after my own heart: the one that would have exactly suited me"
Reposted byAvatar Alison
If there were an epidemic of crossbow killings it would make sense, but what we have is an epidemic of men killing women and one has unusually done so with a crossbow. It’s focusing on the wrong problem.
My peach* has been tattooed incorrectly. Ceci n’est pas un canard. *not a euphemism.
Reposted byAvatar Alison
This isn’t a graveyard. It’s a Sapphire and Steel episode that never got filmed.
Reposted byAvatar Alison
Just think. If the men of the 1850-51 #FranklinSearch expedition had been a little less uptight, our maps could have been blessed with Cape Boobies.
Another event involving ambassadors and still no Ferrero Rocher pyramid.
Thinking of that time in 1851 when a #FranklinExpedition search expedition set out across Cornwallis Island bearing a flag with a slice of pepperoni pizza on it.
It's far too easy to play "Spot the Simon Jenkins Article" these days.
Big round of applause for booking dot com, currently offering me a garage "none suitable for living" as a possible hotel option near Heathrow.
I learned this the hard way when I moved to Switzerland. My shutters come down at the end of May and don't get opened again until mid-September.
Common misconception in the U.K. If you want to keep a room cool, don’t open the curtains and windows in hot weather - keep it all closed.
Reposted byAvatar Alison
Anyway, RIP to a real one. Joss Whedon hated him, which is how you know Donald Sutherland was doing something right.
No, it’s absolutely true that I’ll work for booze.
Reposted byAvatar Alison
Once you start letting bad people define and box in femininity and womanhood and who is "allowed" to be a woman do you think they're ever going to stop?
In light of the Labour manifesto: Trans rights _are_ women's rights. I don't mean that in a "Trans Rights Are Human Rights" way, I mean that anti-trans policies are inevitably harmful to all women (as women), and, conversely, that trans-positive norms are a proximal boon to women.
And yet I still went Full Sylvester McCoy. They can fix it in post?
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Dazzle doesn't try and hide anything. Oh my gosh no. If you think this ship is capable of hiding anywhere than a field of massive zebras - and most charts suggest they're pretty rare in mid-atlantic - then you need to think again.
Today, as I was leaving work, this little cat consented to be bribed, petted and worshipped.
This is the best thing ever written in connection with an Arctic expedition - Mary L of Gosport telling Captain John Ross in 1829 that no, her husband will NOT be joining his crew.
For people who worry that San Pellegrino is a little on the effete side.
Woke up with the intro section of my next article fully formed in my head. Not sure how, given that I dreamed I had to rescue The Sadies from a horde of zombie accountants marauding through Inverness.
You can't even discover the North-West Passage these days because of Croke(r Mountains).
The sheer joy of asking a cemetery professional if they can dig something up for me, and then finding out that this involved literal digging.
Terrible game to play on a Monday morning: What’s That Virus! Noro or Corona? I guess I’ll find out tomorrow 🤢🤒😭
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Happy Pride Month!
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