
court reform is not some niche issue for activists, it’s the policy precondition that unlocks every other policy goal the Democratic Party has. it’s that or decades of right wing theocracy; no in-betweens
Democrats won’t even acknowledge there’s a problem. Tasking them with court reform is asking your dog to put himself on a diet.
Wish dems understood that
It’s conservatives vs the rest of us, not democrats vs republicans.
So why are Dems so dim on this? Dick Durbin intimating that he'll bring back blue slips and giving the most teethless rebule of corrupt justices? Is it mere nostalgia blindness of the Warren Court or what? Or being "safe" electorally blinds pols to the rigging of the electoral field?
Durbin thinks it’s 1993 and we’re all just friends
they are good friends. Durbin knows fascists are useful to his party to motivate his voters and stamp out any reform pushes because 'OMG WE HAVE TO BEAT THESE FASCISTS'. This isn't naivety or something, they're on the same team.
I don’t think that’s it though. I think Durbin genuinely thinks that republicans are good people but with some good faith differences about what’s best for the country. In actuality, Tom Cotton would beat Durbin to death with a crowbar if he thought he could get away with it
yes, fascist collaborators are often very stupid, that doesn't change that they actively choose to work with fascists rather than are some sweeties being tricked by the magic spells of fascists
They're all friends whose kids go go the same schools, this is mostly an abstract or academic discussion to them. Nobody in the senate remembers what a normal life is, if they ever knew.
The presumption of good faith is the most harmful idea in contemporary American politics
the entire obama presidency should have cleanly disabused us of this notion, and yet here we are
So is the standard now just “unless you have a recording of someone saying the n-word, you can’t prove it’s racism”?
i get your point, but i highly doubt that would move the needle either
I'll say it again: court reform that results in the enforcement of voting-rights laws will render the current GOP incapable of winning national elections. Trying to expand Dem seats in Congress prior to court reform is taking things in the wrong order.
Unfortunately, without sufficient Dem seats in congress to legislate court reform, it doesn't happen.
Why is the current admin so scared of it? Fuckin mayor Pete released a court reform plan, it's not some radical left hobby horse
why are these activists so reluctant to give a presumption of good faith to the political leaders of South Carolina?? [reads history of SC] oh. well, carryon then.
Alito writing this week on presumptions of good faith is a little too meta for me.
There’s enough democrats in non southern states to overturn this if they want.
The south needs to be brought to heel
The government's capitulation on ending Reconstruction is still having long lasting effects, and set a terrifying precedent. At this point, I don't know what it's going to take
Why not also have a presumption of good faith on an upstanding citizen's first murder trial? They've paid their taxes and kept their nose clean so far.
Indeed right now a radical, even rouge Supreme Court (as well as the destructive 5th Circuit, and federal judges like Kacsmaryk or Cannon) hold incredible power, and this fight is urgent and really the whole ballgame. Yeah Biden has appointed 200+ judges, but the power is in these crux-points.
Jesús Christ, if we don’t stomp so fucking hard on the MAGA throat in November, those fuckers are going to overturn a Biden win, won’t they?
meanwhile the Dem move is to politely ask that they recuse themselves. the Democrats have never been more up to the modern challenges of politics in my lifetime, and that is saying A LOT
Ok we’re all fucked but otoh stacking the court would be bad because norms
Tell Joe Biden because he clearly is scared shitless. I think the American people have picked up on that & that’s why he’s tanked in the polls, not because of age, or they may think the two are related.
Biden has no plan to touch the Alito controversy, even with a 10-foot The president and his team have decided not to engage on a story that progressives say demands their engagement.
Man, why is Kagan EVER siding with the cons?
Ah, I would love to be able to read someday.
The “presumption of good faith” has to be a an Alito troll. There’s no way that evil fucker believes it.
pls. kindly use alttext
Actually every policy goal of the Democratic Party is decades of right wing theocracy. The purpose of the thing is what it does. If that wanted to fight they would