Kwisatz Braderach

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Kwisatz Braderach

Video streaming guy,, Social Security Works

John Brown fan account. I like movies. Sometimes I write them.


📍Washington, DC
The Blue MAGA types screeching about news media covering Joe Biden's mental decline remind me of the coordinated campaign targeting media for covering the reality of climate change. "Why are you covering this?" "This is a nonstory!" "You just profit from causing a panic!" "hat's not real evidence"
The small cabal of people around Joe Biden who kept his decline under wraps through the last year are the ones who will be responsible for Trump's win, not the leftists, journalists, and even members of Congress who actually understand the stakes here and are screaming in panic
The most important thing is everyone tries their best and has a nice time!
Aw that’s nice 🙂
Say what you will about Project 2025, but I think it would be really cool of the other party had literally any kind of plan
Really weird dynamic these days on bsky that folks can't really distinguish "the Biden campaign is objectively floundering, and that is why folks who are extremely extremely pro-Ds winning in Nov are extremely worried" from "these people are just trying to hurt Biden".
This is arguably the least Friday feeling Friday of all time
"hey boss, they've given you the nickname Sleepy Joe and accuse you of sundowning. what do we do??!!!" Biden: "I go to sleep even earlier. Right at sundown." "masterful gambit sir. I can't believe we ever doubted you"
The hate in my heart for the evil so-called nation of Israel knows no bounds. Witnessing the rapid erasure of an entire people while our president takes a nap
Israel has approved ‘largest West Bank land grab in 30 years’, watchdog Peace Now says approval of more than 12 sq km is biggest since peace process began in 1993
Every bit as ludicrous as the conservatives whining about liberal bias. Blue MAGA!
Haberman is a big Roger stone fan and is always running cover for Trump. The media is %100 bought and on Trump’s side. I’m genuinely fucking confused as to why anybody doubts this after the last 8 years.
Just watched episode 3 of this season of The Bear. Pretty stressful, might need to decompress a bit by rewatching the debate or something
You don't have to be a political genius to realize that if your presidential candidate is seen as sundowning, and that is in fact false, you put him in front of cameras as often as possible, after the sun is down and show that he's fine. They're not doing that, and it can only be one of two reasons.
Look, the media is stupid and bad but if you think the Biden dementia story is some sort of conspiracy involving the NYT trying to defeat him, then buddy, you really need to log off for a bit
lmao fucking [REDACTED] yourselves
Justice Amy Coney Barrett had a breakout term on the Supreme Court. With piercing questions from the bench, and a willingness to break ranks with other Republican nominees in an era of conservative dominance on the court.
Justice Amy Coney Barrett is charting her own path on the With piercing questions and a willingness to break ranks with fellow conservatives, Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett played a new role this term.
looking forward to a lot of shitty, stupid human beings getting badly injured tonight from fireworks! who knows, maybe we even get lucky and lots of them die! 🤞
you ever think about how most of trumps enablers aren’t under secret service protection
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Absolutely unprecedented levels of cope on the timeline
Biden is unpopular because Americans are unhappy with economic/political conditions and they blame the sitting president for it, not because he's old, and any other Democrat would be saddled with the same issues
The party of very powerful statements
Blue MAGA is real and their power is growing
Just at the most basic level it is really unhealthy to have to thought about Donald Trump as much as everyone in America has over the last nine or so years. Spending a decade of my life thinking about a super boring, super shitty crook and all the bad stuff he's doing or might do. It's embarrassing.
Just as a laugh, some enterprising outfit should start polling 3 November matchups: Biden v Trump Harris v Trump Sanders v Trump You know, just for fun!
Or we could just nominate someone who doesn't start screaming at ghosts and needs to be sedated at 4 pm. Silly leftists, we ask for so much!
One of the funny things with pundits being alarmed about Biden being old and not making decisions is that it implicitly suggests that when Trump was president he was looking over dossiers and intelligence briefings and not just watching old episodes of Baywatch
History's most unearned equalizer. Rotten trash country, fuck off, England
This is one of the many reasons why Biden should drop out. The extremely obvious sundowning that had been obvious for years matters less
This is the sound of the Biden administration throwing the trans community under the bus on the anniversary of Stonewall.
I would also note their name should be changed, it's every bit as problematic as the Braves
I would like to send a special fuck you to the Texas Rangers - who made a conscious decision to be the only MLB team not to have a pride night celebration, and who changed their website to say "straight Texas" during pride month, and who the Oriole's beat 11-2 last night. On our #Pride Night.
What a stupid fucking country run by evil cruel shitheads
The Grants Pass case, SCOTUS' first big homelessness case in a while, dropped. 6-3 conservative majority. "Held: The enforcement of generally applicable laws regulating camping on public property does not constitute “cruel and unusual punishment” prohibited by the Eighth Amendment."
Haha man this country sucks so fucking much, burn it all to the fucking ground
Y'all did this, Dems. You shills and you corporate stooges. Smarter people than you were warning you but noooo