
as for the “not kamala either” crowd, hard to imagine a clearer signal to voters that you’re incapable of governing and cannot be trusted with power than both incumbents being booted from the ticket for a fresh start. it’s not serious
“Joe Biden can no longer be trusted to run the country, and obviously neither can the rest of us”
It’s embarrassingly stupid. And coupled with the offhand condescension with which it’s usually said, pretty infuriating.
Not lost on me the fact that the people I see pushing this are all straight, white, cis men who are at least financially comfortable, if not rich.
Just a fricking game to these entitled little squirts.
They’re so blithe about shitting on everyone who voted in the primaries The whole *point* of the primaries is for *voters* to choose *their* candidate People get pissed as it is when people pull out before they can even vote for them
Save-spamming does not seem like an optimal "preserve democracy against fascism" strategy, but I guess if it works in Civ 5...
In Civ 5 the player would either have chosen Biden or Trump as leaders at the beginning, envisioning America through that leader's lens from the year 3000 BCE which also did not feature a United States. More to the point they'd be planning an Autocracy fascism run if they picked Trump to start
If it were me at least playing as Biden I'd really double down on the trains thing. That'd be fun
It’s weird that there is absolutely zero room on this website for the opinion that a) Biden Is in trouble so it may make sense to replace him, and b) Kamala would do worse than Biden. It’s absolutely wild how much abuse people get for this reasonable opinion here.
you're responding to a post explaining one of the many ways it's not actually a reasonable opinion. maybe 18 months ago but not after the primary lol.
It’s not a reasonable opinion to believe that Kamala would do worse than Biden in an election?
The problem is that the argument for "she'd be worse as a candidate" generally boils down to "because she's a Black woman." While that concern could arguably impact the "should Biden stay in" calculus, skipping over Harris "because she's a Black woman" is not a political solution in the least. /1
If Biden can't do the job anymore, he should step aside for Harris. But if he still can, then this is the path we're on (and they should focus on showing how he can still do the job). It's not about the polling. /f
It’s plausible but far from certain. She polls as well, any negative you can say about her applies to him too, she dodges some of his big negatives and could potentially step around some of the others.
It seems that for all that you have a tight political and legal system people seem to manipulate it at will to suit their needs ie Clarence Thomas/SCOTUS, Steve Bannon, Trump, MTG et al
Joe was great, but if you let him keep driving it is clear he's going to wreck the car. And apparently he isn't aware or won't admit that. Most American voters have been pointing this out since well before the last debate. It's late in the game, but not too late to do the right thing.
OMG seems a wave of folks putting those feels out. It’s a waste of time because it’s up to Biden to step down. He’s being clear that he’s not. So, this freak out is fear or malice/nihilism. Dems seem to damage their own candidates more than the Rs do. Have your feels. But feels aren’t facts.
i dont want either of them but if youre gonna remove biden it kinda has to be kamala
Gretchen Whitmer and Kamala, not sure which order. We cannot have two west coast folks on the same ticket to keep the East and Midwest happy, so the governor of California is out. It would be great to have two women on one ticket I think. Appropriate for Roe vs Wade...
I think the threads got mixed up. My comment intended to say unless Biden steps down game over. Kamala and a Midwest candidate would be ideal. We need a Midwest or east coast candidate on the ticket with Kamala.
We have 0 faith in the people we selected to govern America for the last 3.5 years, and that is why Americans should trust us to govern
It’s a fear filled fantasy. Imagine someone new trying to get on the ballot in 50 states. It would blow up the party & lose the election. Time to grow up, show up, get to work & defeat fascism.
Has such a thing ever been done as reversing the ticket? VP becomes becomes P, P becomes VP?