
I had an incredible night of sleep and I’ve got spoons to spare today, and the only way we find love on the timeline is if we put it there. Reply to this post and I’ll tell you something I like about you.
Jeremy, I don't know if this offer is just open to moots, but I could use a boost. I had a rough day yesterday, but already today is looking brighter. (I lost my dad's cat, but he has returned.)
Oh, we are moots. How lovely..
I didn’t realize we weren’t! Easily remedied.
For the record, this offer is open to anyone, though I cannot guarantee results if I don’t know someone; I sure try, though. A simple thing for you today: I always appreciate your prompts for scavenger hunts. They are thoughtful and creative and incredibly intelligent and they make me happy.
Thank you Jeremy, Your scavenger hunts are such a pure and simple way to bring a little joy to the timeline. I love seeing people interact by providing the prompts and I love seeing the way you interpret them.
Oh good! I was so worried about the cat and am glad your dad is out of the hospital
Dad is still in hospital, but at least I can continue to tell him that his cat is safe and well.
Oh, sorry I must have misunderstood. But I am very happy his cat has returned.
You are quickly becoming my favorite person to interact with on social media, even though I don't know you in real life
I love how varied and eclectic your interests are, and how you bring all of them into your timeline by reposting so many other people. You celebrate and encourage a *lot* of people quietly and consistently, and having been a recipient of that celebration and encouragement: thank you.
We don't know each other well enough to really participate in this So, in the interest of getting to that point of knowing each other better Please telll me something you like about YOU instead
I like that I am good at giving compliments, even to people I don’t know well yet. 😉 I hope people realize how beautiful it is that you celebrate TTRPGs—which have become ever more commoditized—in such a tactile, handcrafted, old-school way. It is such a love letter to playing with friends.
I like how whenever something irritates me, I can go and tell you I’m irritated and you’ll respond with something soothing and then I feel better
Sometimes the “soothing” thing you get from me is “fuck that guy”! I love how much you love language—how a word is a thing to be cherished but also broken apart and re-formed, how you craft a joke or a kindness or a rebuke with such mastery.
That’s like four compliments in one. 🥰 Thank you. “Fuck that guy, he sucks” is so often the level of support I’m looking for.
I'm glad you had a good sleep, my friend. It's amazing what a difference that can make.
This is going to be an unusual thing, but I like to think that if we were hanging out IRL we would be able to do a ton of communicating without even talking, like in the middle of a group conversation with just a look and a wry smile or a cocked eyebrow, and this idea makes me happy.
We are on each other's wavelength.
Jeremy, I'm replying because I love your generosity and your unique ability make others feel special, not because I need the lift today, but I know you will anyway, and I love that too.
I am so lucky to have you as a fellow-traveler: someone who so effortlessly understands the joy of simple everyday things, someone with an eye out for little pops of beauty and wonder.
you've already given me boosts before so I'm just here to tell you you're awesome and you're always gassing people up and people don't realise sometimes that takes a special kind of joyful work to do: I see you, pal
Thank you, and I don’t know if I’ve told you this before but I love it so much when you get into a “just gotta move” mood and you bring us along. I hope that’s always delightful and never work; what it feels like to me is kinetic celebration, joy finding its way to the surface.
oh I love this? bc that's what I'm hoping it comes across as I know not everyone can vibe at that level at the same times but that if someone is near enough they can join in & feel the electricity that flows through my veins bc it's FUN there's work to do but if we're not having fun it's harder
I love these threads. I think I just committed a like-bombing run. 💜
I love that you love them, and when you like-bomb, you always like-bomb all of my favorite stuff. I appreciate your tenderness and thoughtfulness so much.
I knew as soon as I saw this comment that I would be like-bombing everything too. And I did! 💗
You’re such a bright shining light, Jeremy. I love that you’re putting your extra spoons to help others that need a boost. 💖
And simply: you do this, too, Daniel, and I see you doing it, and knowing I’m not alone out here makes it so much easier to keep at it.
Good sleep is always a blessing and I am glad that you got that today.
D, I don’t know you yet but a quick spin through your replies is all it took for me to know that you are a sower of light, a serial bringer of light and encouragement, and also very much yourself—not just kind but also clear and firm about what you believe in.
This is an incredibly kind thing for you to say, thank you 
I am in a weirdly insecure place right now. I would actually be grateful for that, if you have a spoon to spare.
We are a lot alike, you and I: deep wells of feeling, romantic maybe to a fault, prone to melancholy. I know this “weirdly insecure,” too, like the back of my hand. I just want to remind you that you are wonderful and fascinating and worthy and magnificent.
And this is less important, because you are so much more than this, but also, you make *such beautiful things.*
oh wow. You outdid yourself. Thank you very much indeed.
I want to be fancier about this but I can’t so I’ll just say it plain: you’re so smart and fun and dryly funny and your interests and joys are so varied and wonderful; it makes my TL better having you in it.
Thank you so much! My TL is better with you in it as well
You are lovely. I’m so glad you got a good night of sleep & are feeling energized! I got a good night of sleep last night too. ❤️
When you get out into beautiful, natural, and wild places you absolutely glow about it and this is how I know we are related somewhere back in the family tree.
Truth ☀️🦋 I love that about you too
Hi! Since we last posted to each other a few hours ago, I’ve listened to the entirety of Evermore, made a pitcher of sweet tea, and cleaned my half bath (except for mopping the floor which will come later when I do the full bath). After lunch I’ll be dusting and vacuuming in the living room.
I need to get moving similarly and I definitely have not been. There are chores to be done! Jay, thank you for being such a consistent and consistently wonderful presence in my Bluesky experience. I am immensely blessed to have you in my TL and in my replies.
Honestly, the TL needs more of your honesty and ability to find beauty in the smallest observations.
I’m not even going to be super specific or observant here even though that’s often my thing: I’m just really glad that we’re mutuals and I really appreciate you and all the little ways you have sent encouragement. It is so appreciated.
Your kindness continues to light up the timeline each and every day. I’m thankful we connected, friend!
Thank you, Joey, and simply, I love that you write and share poetry with us so much. I appreciate that level of vulnerability!
Thank you! Sometimes I think vulnerability is about all I’ve got.