✨Daniel Liepold ✨

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✨Daniel Liepold ✨


✨ experimental electronic musician, abstract visual artist, creative energy enthusiast, friend to fellow humans, ACE 🖤 🩶🤍💜, bipolar type 1. he/him. Austin, Tx. 42. ✨ music & contact info at danielliepold.com
Without downloading new pics what is it like dating you
Without downloading new pics what is it like dating you
Yesterday I took Casey to Urgent Care and they tested her for Strep, Covid, Flu, all were negative. They put her on some meds including Tamaflu. Probably from being in close proximity to her (car rides) yesterday, I’m feeling sick today too. I know it’s probably going to get worse …
Goodnight bluesky. I’m believing that tomorrow can be better than today
Lizard dad update: Thistle ate a worm! I remembered to mist her enclosure today! She’s finally hanging out over by the heating pad again after a long time of hanging out in the opposite corner! 🦎
(I’m so glad for my own sanity that I stopped using Twitter regularly a year ago)
what would mister rogers do? get enraged seriously. his word choice. he gave us permission, said it's healthy:
Sandman Season 2. More casting. Are you excited? I'm excited.
Looking back on my first month of mood tracking with Daylio, reflections - this was mostly a pretty good month, from a mood regulation perspective - I don’t think I would have handled 6/25 and later so well if it had not been for a boatload of therapy - This is such a good idea and I’m proud of me
Let it pho Let it pho Let it pho 🍜
Yesterday I talked with my therapist about differentiating situational depression with bipolar depression, and goodness gracious is that ever thin ice to tread for me 💈💈
I don't often delete posts, but decided today that some of my venting didn't belong out in the open. Much love to the people that were supportive today when I was freaking out about it.
I had a long talk with @thejefuswrench.bsky.social today, and we finally figured out why I was having issues exporting audio on one song in Ableton. I said goodbye to the 3:07 that I don't need and my life will be better without it. Onward!
Affirmation: I can do small things that have a positive impact on the world around me.
reskeet with a meme that’s just a little bit too on the nose 💜🤌
reskeet with a meme that’s just a little bit too on the nose 💜🤌
Frame from a non-musical movie with a great soundtrack.
Frame from a non-musical movie with a great soundtrack.
A short hike was so flipping adorable 🕊️
I am a bird now
how i'm gliding when i see someone mention the absolutely perfect and delightfully charming exploration indie game A Short Hike available on every relevant platform for only a few dollars:
Today I was asked IN A MEDICAL FACILITY BY A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL why I was wearing a N95 mask?!?
Flash back to 13 years ago when I painted a guitar 🎨
Goodbye 3 day weekend 👋🏻
Tonight Thistle gave me her “please feed me one insect” look, only for me to figure out that she’s out of superworms. I’ll have to correct this problem tomorrow, sorry Thistle.
we needed a good news story 🥹
lol, lmao, rofl. dude totally shot himself in the dick
Go into your photo roll or whatever, and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud.
Go into your photo roll or whatever, and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud.
What are we supposed to celebrate on Thursday again?
I used to write off NINs The Downward Spiral as a not perfect album because I don’t like the song Closer. One day I decided that even thought it’s my least favorite song on the album, that doesn’t mean it’s a bad song.
✨therapy✨ ✨is✨ ✨magical✨