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B. R. Flynn. Severin Customer Service & Warehouse Manager. Writer. Malcontent. Queer. They/them
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Scandal Savage sketch
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Just watched ST VI in 70mm at the Aero theater with Nick Meyer in person and an awesome crowd of trekkies. My son’s first ST movie in theaters- we had a blast!
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1. Anson Mount says they're doing something crazier than the musical in SNW S3. 2. The Doctor joked to Ruby Sunday that they should visit Star Trek someday on Doctor Who this year. 3. Russell T. Davies and Alex Kurtzman are doing a panel together at SDCC. THIS IS HAPPENING. #StarTrek #DoctorWho
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I know the takeaway is supposed to be “oh no crime” but a gang of thieves that exclusively steals rich people’s fancy watches at high-end restaurants both: 1. is not an issue most people need to worry about, and 2. sounds like the work of a Batman villain called Clockface or something
Moped-Riding Thieves Frighten Diners at Upscale N.Y.C. In Williamsburg and Manhattan, robbers have stolen watches worth tens of thousands of dollars before fleeing on motorbikes.
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I think one of the greatest gifts Shelley Duvall gave us is appearing in a bunch of great, interesting, fuckin' weird films. You want to be a Shelley Duvall fan, you gotta ride that lightning. A history of cinema in one person's resume
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This is a subtweet about Frankenstein because I don't want to be a dick, but I also want some facts out there. 1. Most novels at the time were anonymous. We can't make definite judgements about why Mary Shelley's name wasn't on it. It was common practice. The novel was barely respectable. 1/?
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I’m really enjoying season 2 of Star Trek: Prodigy! Go watch it, Trekkies😊
Finished the first "arc" of season two of #StarTrekProdigy Still excellent!
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Looking for one person to join me today in donating to flipping both statehouses in Arizona to create a new trifecta for democracy. This is the smartest political donation we can make this year.
Flipping Arizona | The States Learn more about Flipping Arizona such as its mission, community impact, and how you can join or make a one-time online donation.
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Joe’s been offered the power to save the republic, but he won’t use it because that would be ungentlemanly. When the traitor steals the election, Joe will shrug, still not use the power, and leave TFG a plate of snickerdoodles on the Resolute Desk. Why must Democrats be wimps? FIGHT THE FASCISTS!
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It is the eve of #StarTrekProdigy Season Two arriving on Netflix. What a long, strange trip it’s been to get here. I won’t belabor it, but the outpouring of support from the #StarTrek community has meant everything to the cast and crew. Ours is the little starship that could.
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Scorpio: Today you will discover what the "it" refers to when people say "It's raining." This will be your last discovery.
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oh, DAMN. Not Martin Mull.
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Back in 2015, Stephen Morrow and I did this six-page Trek comic for a zine helmed by and Jason Ho. (1/2)
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🌈 so normal
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Just read Alison Bechdel's FUN HOME for the first time on the flight to Heroes Con. I'm still haunted by it. A biography about Bechdel's complicated relationship both with her father and her own orientation, plus literary references, plus a funeral home. A masterpiece.
#HorrorWritersChat Hi, I'm Flynn. I write horror and pulp stuff. Never been actually published, but I have a free website where I put stuff up from time to time. Currently very slowly editing my MASSIVE novel, "Ghostwood."
#HorrorWritersChat question 1: Introduce yourself: tell us who you are, what you write, and a project you’re currently working on P.S. Don’t forget the tag!
#StarWarsTheAcolyte #spoilers I guess I should just be happy that Star Wars has a coven of lesbian witches at all, even if they are introduced and killed off in the same episode. Oh, good to see there, as well!
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ralph ineson is playing james bond in the new one. he's going to be muttering unintelligibly the whole time wearing overalls and hitting people with a lead pipe
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Watched the Star Trek Discovery finale. Quite good. But Detmer and Owosekun better be in Starfleet Academy is all I'm saying...
Just having a nice, chill vacation day here at Universal Studios Hollywood. I heard there was some big news, though?
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Another book cover delivered! This means I have two slots free for June. I'd dearly love to paint you a colourful, pulpy cover like one of these. I work in acrylic, pen and ink or digital, for reasonable rates. Many happy indie author clients. Contact me!
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🚨BREAKING: Arizona Court DISMISSES Republican lawsuit seeking to overturn the state's Election Procedure Manual. Another big win for win for the voters of Arizona. Another loss for the RNC.
🚨 Voting Rights Victory in Read about the latest voting rights victory in Republican National Committee v. Fontes
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