jacob rees mohg

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jacob rees mohg


Editor of Gameing Journalism at the New York Times

Co-host, CRT Soundsystem:

join our discord! discord.gg/QMgzjKjmTT
bravely coming out as a Batman Vs Superman enjoyer
name your fav superhero film.
"you wouldn't steal a car" No, but I think pirate sites are doing a better job of archiving our media history as it unfolds than the ones doing the publishing of it & who demand sole control over evidence of its existence in exchange for unlimited financial gain Also I would absolutely torrent a car
Full support for KG, fuck Jables
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being in the closet doesn’t make you a cis white man it makes you psychotic it makes you go on insane benders and get u and ur roommate robbed buy some guys you did an 8 ball with who also stole your pants like it’s weiiiiiiiiiird in the closet it’s not a privilege i promise
All it took was one NYT Op Ed writer to feel personally slighted to do a digital homeless camp sweep so the libs can get back to brunch
bluesky has discovered a new form of moderation called "centralized moderation" and they are taking that for a spin
It’s true and she should say it.
in 2013 I saw a man get a 100,000 hour probation on the SomethingAwful forums and today I saw him come off probation and immediately pick up the same argument, quoting a reply from 2013, absolute next-level hater, I can't even imagine, my man is the Count of Monte Posters
Some people are marks and you don't have to be one. Rightwingers DO NOT believe that violence is not warranted. They believe that only they should be able to wield it.
Knock Off Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning Hard Target Sudden Death Double Team Cyborg Universal Soldier 👆 all better than Bloodsport, which is barely better than Kickboxer
Anyone who is looking for free access to the scholarly work referenced in this article and more gender-affirming scholarly works should check out Internet Archive Scholar. There are almost 250K results for "gender affirming" and over 50K for "transgender" scholar.archive.org
tbh i wish we could just drop the act - trans women are just women you can do misogyny to openly, they’re the women you can berate publicly in front of bystanders, we’re the women you get to treat the way you’d want to treat all women if you could
Learning today that class solidarity means being okay with throwing trans people under the bus just so a guy can keep his job at the throwing trans people under the bus factory
*Foghat voice* 🎶 SOULS-LIKE MAKE IT EASY 🎶
It rules that “democracy” means that you have to vote for people who want to remove trans people from public life or you’re the bad person
if there is a grift in telling people "hey man LLMs are kinda shit. have you seen this? anybody noticed this?" it's not nearly as lucrative as the one that turned nvidia into the biggest company on earth you fuckin moron
Policies to help everyone. Monsters.
I'm not even joking check this shit out
if Lin Manuel wasn't a coward he would instead adapt 1990: The Bronx Warriors, however that movie already has a musical sequence better than any he's ever written
Great Drum Solo in the Bronx - YouTubewww.youtube.com Great Drum Solo in the Bronx-1990
if Lin Manuel wasn't a coward he would instead adapt 1990: The Bronx Warriors, however that movie already has a musical sequence better than any he's ever written
A reminder that the Xbox 360 marketplace is closing at the end of the month and a ton of games are on sale, most of which aren't available on backwards compatibility
Update: Price Reductions Available Now on the Digital Xbox 360 Store - Closing July 29, 2024 - Xbox Wirenews.xbox.com
I would have been so in the pocket for that remake of The Warriors set in LA that Tony Scott was working on before his death
*Lin Manuel Miranda attempting Nate Dogg voice* 🎶We got 9 delegates, and there's 100 more, Cyrus says there's 60 thousand to unite and do war but Luther drew down and felled him, bullet sealed his fate; Warriors caught the blame in the New York State 🎶
It’s fucked up that Hollywood fumbled Channing Tatum so bad. He should be this generation’s Gene Kelly, instead he’s in Fly Me To The Moon.
God bless cutscenes that summarize what you’re skipping when you skip them