D.M. Foyle

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D.M. Foyle


A writer, a poet, and a (reluctant) editor.

Tangled Wires Series Book 1 (To be published soon!)

I'm also here:
Tumblr: @foyle-writes-things
There's nothing like getting the first cover mock-ups for your soon to be published novel. Makes it all feel so real! #art #amwriting #writer #TangledWires
In which Emet is done with Raz's shit. Little does he know- Ah nah, I can't tell you that. Spoilers 😉 #WIPSnips #TangledWires
The #WIPSnips word for today is "stumble" The secondary game is "Guess the earworm this word gave Rose this morning" 😂 As a side note, I will be going to a Writing Conference the next three days. I will try my best to post on time, but I make no guarantees. #amwriting #writingprompts
And lo- The typos, there will always be one. Pray it be small and unnoticed. Pray it not be the dreaded "hte" #hte #the #writers
Typos happen, but you can avoid as many of them as humanly possible. This is why you hire a professional proofreading editor who can hunt down those typos like a hound on the scent. The best plan is to try not to have any in your book from the start. Get em out! #authors #writing
See- I respect you multi-WIP people. I can't do that. I may have multiple ideas but my brain only allows one at a time to be worked on 🥲🫠🙃
By your powers combined I am CAPTAIN PROCASTINATION #writing
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Note to self: Characters are defined by the actions they take in your writing. Not just by the descriptions written about them. - Wrtr #amwriting #amediting Writing better. #author #writing
#WIPSnips #writingcommunity #TangledWires The art of being "unfazed" is still an art... right?
The #WIPSnips word for July 3rd is "art" This is a great one for ✨vibes ✨ if you don't have the word or a reference to a piece of art. You can use something that your character finds artsy or beautiful! #amwritiing #writingcommunity #writers #authors #writingprompts
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A character’s wounds will impact how they interact with the world and what they will notice about it. #WritingCommunity #EditingTips
Good reminder- go back up your stuff. In tech we use the rule of three (e.g. backup to three different locations).
Have you backed up your projects lately? Go. Do it now. We’ll wait. #amwriting #books 💙📚 📝 #WritingCommunity #author
The TLDR really is- do what works for you. Need a detailed outline? Great! Write entirely off the cuff? Wonderful! Experiment and find your own unique process, because ultimately that will work better for you than any advice another writer can give you.
Along the same lines, tracking progress by word count in a first draft (IMO) is counterproductive. I have a whole rant about that here: www.tumblr.com/foyle-writes...
I do wish as a #writerscommunity we could get away from the #plotter v. #pantser thing. Overall it doesn't do much for describing a functional writing process and just tends to make new writers feel like they have to choose a camp. Heads up friends, you don't 🤷‍♀️
D.M. Foylewww.tumblr.com People shouldn't be- but I think there's a lot of bad advice circling writing communities that tell (newer writers especially) that if you outline really well, it'll save you "painful time rewriting/…
I do wish as a #writerscommunity we could get away from the #plotter v. #pantser thing. Overall it doesn't do much for describing a functional writing process and just tends to make new writers feel like they have to choose a camp. Heads up friends, you don't 🤷‍♀️
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"Science fiction seldom attempts to predict the future. More often than not, it tries to prevent the future." Arthur C. Clarke #scifi #writing
Whether you go tradpub or selfpub, at some level you're going to need to have a presence- and right now the most manageable way to do that is social media. The last rule of thumb I heard was to have a solid presence on at least two platforms, and that probably holds true from observation.
Experienced new writers, do I *really* need to get serious about social media to help my chances? I'm not a hermit but I do enjoy pretending I'm a cave oracle #writing #writingcommunity
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“Writing is about us authors reaching out to speak with the world. And sometimes to speak with ourselves.” - Wrtr #amwriting #amediting .. Be Writing. #author #writing
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How to support an author for free: Write reviews and post about favorite books on your social media. Word of mouth has kept many a book in print. Also, mention their books to clerks in appropriate bookstores, esp. the indie stores. If they don't have them, ask why.
#TangledWires Publication checklist: Editor - ✔️ Cover Design Artist - ✔️ Launch Date - 🔜 (All the things my ADHD 🧠 can't remember) - ??? Can't wait until final edits begin- and then it'll be time to plan for launch! 😱 Anybody have tips for a successful self-pub book launch?
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“Write the kind of story you would like to read. People will give you all sorts of advice about writing, but if you are not writing something you like, no one else will like it either.” — Meg Cabot #amwriting #quotes #authors #writingcommunity
Take notes on your novel on your first editing pass. Can really help with catching issues and inconsistencies later on. #writers #amwriting
The first draft won't be perfect. You might even hate it. What's important is that you complete that draft... then you can go back and make it what you want it to be. #writers #amwriting
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The moral of the story is messing with Raz goes well for approximately 0% of the population. #writers #crimethriller #mystery #TangledWires #WIPSnips
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Writing Tip: Don’t sit around all day when you’re writing. Get up, stand up, and walk around. Get the blood flowing and it’ll help your brain. If you can’t feel your legs, you might have been sitting down for a bit too long. Don't do that. #writingtips #writing
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In just over 30 days Tangled Wires will receive its final editing round, and then preparation for publication begins. Super excited! #writers #editing
I think the most helpful thing for me has been writing in sprints. E.g. do one task for 15 minutes, then write for 20. The constant task shifting helps keep me focused and interested.
I'm very tired of being a writer with #ADHD. If I plot things out too much, I get bored with the act of writing. I have multiple novels that are that mystical 85% done (where motivation tends to peter out). From other ADHD #writing folks in #WritingSky (is that a thing?) What helps you?
End of feed.