
Really? The *worst*? Dunno, I kind of feel like Trump supporters and Zionists who shrug off genocide are a LOT worse than frustrated people who see the system collapsing and murdering people and would do ANYTHING to make that stop.
the worst dudes online are the guys who are like “the time for electoral politics is over, it’s time for guillotines.” yeah bud i’m sure you’ll stop posting and get the ball rolling on the guillotines any minute now.
I've never understood his appeal. He's not particularly clever, he does a lot of shitposting and he wastes far too much time punching left. The nonsense of his from last week of "movements must weed out idiots" is just...I mean, who owns a movement? No one! Or everyone!
Yup, I must have been on the “Discover” tab by accident.
But I did not see the post you are talking about.
Avatar There's a few others around this one on his TL, but this just stuck in my craw as the most "gotta control the protests" nonsense I've seen in some time.
one of the realities of massive popular movements is that there will inevitably be idiots within their ranks. movements need to be good at identifying and weeding them out, but the media also needs to avoid giving them disproportionate attention
Forgive the lack of alt-text right now.