Morgan Davie

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Morgan Davie

Tall man
Lower Hutt, Aotearoa New Zealand. Writing, TTRPG design, taking action.
(mr_orgue at the bird site)
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Reposted byAvatar Morgan Davie
Thousands in the streets of Paris celebrating and cheering “no pasaran” or "They will not pass” as the far right falls out n France’s election. Just absolutely amazing scenes tonight across France as they fight the fascists back. Now it’s our time to be brave and come together to for a united front.
Some good things happening in the world today, celebrate them hard folks
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The Wiles v University of Auckland judgement is out. Wiles was successful on the key issues. In particular, the Court finds that her commentary *was* part of her job and that the University's H&S response was "problematic"
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Dr Siouxsie Wiles awarded $20,000 in general damages following employment case
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Let's see if I can figure out to thread things here... It has been a gruelling and expensive four years to get to today, and I feel vindicated by the findings in my case against the University of Auckland. 1/n
Productivity Tip: on your To Do list, write easy tasks twice with slightly different wording! Then when you do them you get to cross both off and complete a higher percentage of *falls over*
Fantastic video essay from (back on youtube yay) about Yoko Broke Up The Beatles. Clear-eyed, funny, zooms in to the details of Beatles relationships and out to the cultural narrative of Woman Ruins Man. Don’t miss it.
Yoko and The The reasons the Beatles broke up are extremely well documented and even at the height of their animosity none of the band ever blamed Yoko Ono for it - so wh...
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Can I just point out that the accelerating pollution of the information commons makes the few remaining human-curated projects like Wikipedia even more valuable, and that’s why I relentlessly encourage people to double down on improving it.
Depressing that the entire promise of the internet was once that we would have all the world's information at our fingertips, and genAI has, in a very short space of time, completely nullified that idea.
Biden is running against 2020 Biden. (Trump is running against 2028 Biden.)
I strongly recommend that the Democrats replace Biden with a new candidate who the Republicans and media really like and will be kind to
“Knowing his words will be closely scrutinised” is.wild. Passive voice to hide a commitment to differential treatment. Far out.
what are we doing here? he accidentally said million instead of billion and then immediately knew it and corrected himself. he didn’t “flub a line” and then “make an effort to correct himself,” he did the speaking equivalent of a typo that you know you’ve made and instantly correct
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Reposted byAvatar Morgan Davie
Hearing a lot of TV hosts bemoaning the lower turnout at the election, and not one of them mentioning the restrictions on voting like photo ID, late postal votes and so on.
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I’m a forest fairy! Or at least I will be if Cheeky Parrot Games makes their crowdfunding goal! Check it out, and remember: sharing is caring!
It has been revealed that another prominent NZ politician on the right has communicated with teens in SnapChat. Again, no suggestion of impropriety. If this happened once, let alone twice, with a politician on the left, a huge right-wing attack would begin. ~
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Flashback to when an Auckland gallery showed an exhibit of flags with text curated by noted Nazi Nina Power
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As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
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This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
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So super sneaky, I was working away creating a sick new sticker design for the good good boys of podcasting, the McElroys. 😎 if you’re listening to the current season of Adventure Zone, you’ll know the reference 😂 Available now at, with more to come in the future!
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I published a TTRPG! It is little! Thanks to the KiwiRPG 20 minute game jam. It's about how dealing with the fey is probably a bad thing
Away (with the fairies) by Lyndon Hood for KiwiRPG 20 Minute Adventure A short solo game about becoming entangled with the fair folk.
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Thanks for this. It’s immensely frustrating to me how our media-pols culture demands cost benefit analysis for basic things like feeding children school lunches but has continually failed to critically reflect on anything to do with crypto/NFTs and ‘AI futures’
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"which values?" "oh, you know the ones"
The new episode of Spinoff's The Fold podcast is a fascinating listen. Hal Crawford talks about Newshub and the future of news, a frankly dispiriting account that walks right to the edge of predicting the end of "general news" i.e. not specific to one subject area.
| Podcasts | The
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Looking at that graphic, I assume everyone else had the same idea as me.
The Auckland Goodies phone call in Animal Control s2e03 is brilliant, complete with subtitles for the solid Kiwi accent This is a great show folks
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When a reasonable person's debating a liar, like say Biden versus Trump in the US or a non-Tory debating a Tory in the UK, bear in mind Brandolini's law: "The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it."
Brandolini's law -
I’ve never clicked on one of these “tee hee boobies” shorts and i never will but YouTube is convinced I’m lying to myself (Nothing against boobies but I know if I click on one I will get served a billion billion more, when what i really want is Doctor Who analysis and old Janeane Garofalo clips)