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Optimist due to my politics & profession. Pessimist due to the data.
Reposted byAvatar jay
Over half a century after the Seine was declared biologically dead, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo dipped into the river on Wednesday and declared it sufficiently clean for Olympic swimming competitions.
Paris mayor swims in the Seine, declares it clean for the Olympicswapo.st “It’s pure happiness,” Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said, having fulfilled her pledge to clean up the Seine before the Games. Now officials hope it stays that way.
Feeling frustrated and upset at this profession once again.
Gen X is the most cringe generation.
Reposted byAvatar jay
Reposted byAvatar jay
i know grindr has to be going CRAZY in Milwaukee right now
If I was NYC mayor I would host a monthly “Solar Prize” and award money to the building that does the best job of adding Solar Panels to unoccupied roof space.
I like the idea of more customized notifications.
He pointed out that he’d consider returning if BlueSky added a “notifications only from accounts you follow” feature. Seems like maybe it’s more about his large follower count being tough to manage with the tools available?
Tim Dillon you disgusting pigfuck. Shamelessly platforming right-wing grifter extraordinaire Alex Jones for the views (again). I’m not surprised, just disappointed.
If you are listening to CNN’s coverage of the RNC and their glazing of Trump and wondering why: it’s because they believe he is going to win.
JD Vance was chosen because he is young. Republicans want the youth vote.
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Reposted byAvatar jay
imagine picking a guy who is scared of NYC as your running mate lollllll
As far as assassination attempts go this was pretty weak. I know people will think this was a solid attempt bc of how close the bullet came but If this guy had the right weapon, scope & was trained, that would have been it for Trump. He was on the literal nearest roof & the cop who saw him ran away!
Reposted byAvatar jay
Once again if Joe Biden can't get to 270 he should drop out. We are facing a Republican landslide.
Reposted byAvatar jay
Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
It’s so rare these days for an ordinary citizen to get the ear of a politician, no wonder it’s such a newsworthy event.
Its sad that you can go to a political rally and get shot dead in the United States, just another one of our many failures as a country.
Reposted byAvatar jay
Biden finally gave a decent campaign speech in Michigan after two weeks of the media focusing on how shitty he is doing. He went on offense against Trump, talked about Project 2025 & what he wants to get done in the first 100 days of his second term. Maybe we hit bottom & it’s only up from here.
Guys you have to remember that height factor has nothing to do with height. It’s just a value that relates to how skinny a building is. They just named it that to make it more confusing. They could have named it “pencil factor” but that would have required a modicum of creativity.
The numbers are abysmal for Biden & it’s been like this for a year. If his campaign knew how to turn the ship around, at what point would the ship start turning?!
Not wanting Biden to step down is wanting this to be the story getting wall to wall non-stop coverage until the convention.
Day 4 of severe cold: mainly feel groggy and congested. Maintain a cough but no longer staying home, I’ll have to depend on lozenges throughout the day.
The only paths remaining for Biden to get to 270 as I see it are the different coronaries in Trump’s heart which may clog up and cause a fatal heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest. We are heading for a Republican landslide.
Reposted byAvatar jay
Strategizing Biden’s path to victory
Reminder that we wouldn’t even be in this mess if that malignant narcissist kept his promise to be a 1 term President.
Day 3 of severe cold: achy, feeling better than yesterday, still too sick to go to work.
The electoral college determines the presidency, not the voters. The electoral college determines the presidency, not the voters. The electoral college determines the presidency, not the voters.