Gavin G Whiz - Writer, DVD Apologist

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Gavin G Whiz - Writer, DVD Apologist

Podcast journalist, editor, train nerd, unapologetically trans and queer. Will likely rant about a movie or Discworld at some point. Ride or die physical media defender. Can't keep a regular newsletter or blog going to save my life (they/them)
this is the most low budget only on amazon prime ass concept for a horror movie I've ever heard
The opening to the Wikipedia entry for Cups is fucking brutal.
What they don't tell you when they say "Alex Horne is clever and Greg Davies is hilarious."
It's amusing that Reg Smythe worked his ass off on a comic strip for 41 years only for Americans to exclusively identify his art as "the hot fries mascot dude."
I don't know why, but there's something powerful to me about what I found. A guy who gave complete strangers literally everything off his virtual back, curled up in front of the warmth of the electric furnaces, accepting whatever happens next.
More people should read SLAY by Brittney Morris. tl;dr: it's a young adult book about a Black high school student who has quietly developed a VR MMO with a card battling system that's intended exclusively for a Black audience. It goes viral for better and worse.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I am starting a book club! We're kicking things off with the phenomenal GOING POSTAL. An incredible adventure of a con artist saved at the hangman's noose with an offer: live a new life free of previous crimes, but as the postmaster of a dying postal service. (thread)
I put a lot of thought into my Steam Curator reviews and I'm thrilled a lot of amazing games I've reviewed are in the Summer Sale so you can pick them up cheap! Let's do a thread with highlights!
Lest any of you think commentary YouTubers are cherry-picking examples when they talk about how fucked Facebook is with engagement bait content right now: this is the second thing in my feed today.
Aaaanyway here's a way to be upset during Pride month but also learn something and be motivated to take in-person action: read Tinderbox: The Untold Story of the Up Stairs Lounge Fire and the Rise of Gay Liberation. It was written in the shadow of the Pulse shooting. It's all the more relevant now
A Day of Maintenance needs to be in the same conversation as huge queer/leftist darlings. You're a robot tasked with driving a repair truck around the wasteland repairing the barely-functional human infrastructure. Your robot boyfriend is in orbit repairing satellites. The plot is pro-union.
For today's #weebwednesday I want to do something a bit different - reskeet with a piece of anime or gaming that you think everyone should interact with or that more people should know about!
Weird fact: these plastic hoops designed to hold a trash bag open so you can more effectively collect litter are freely available in the U.K., but don't really exist in the U.S. in any meaningful bulk/price range. We're the king of plastic garbage and we don't have a lot of the cheap garbage-fixer.
The song is in second person with the lyrics coming from the concept of truth itself and while it's clear he wrote it to be about the process of growing up, it's also quietly a trans narrative.
A gaming company so massive it absorbs everything around it can't keep the launcher for one of the dad-est games ever to exist running on frigging Father's Day.
All y'all's offline partners tonight getting the defense contractor scandal details.
Gonna frame this on the wall next to the ur-text.
These jackasses even put the training mission locomotive and Scotsman on the main menu AS THE STORE ICON. Wanted to play around with steam? Pay up. Also please don't notice that Train Sim World has dragged its feet for so long on steam that it's just those two. That's it.
Holy smokes, someone made cognitive dissonance that only costs $4.95. What a savings!
Honestly, better outcome than the original intention of being an English teacher.
Not a complicated series of dominoes I guess, but weird to think that the idea for Night Vale, and thus making a living as a writer for over a decade, started with being invited to a Something Awful staff trip in Vegas, and not having enough money to fly there so I drove
idgaf if it's normie music, this album still fucking owns 57 years later.
I neither drink nor smoke but there are still songs that when I listen to them with good headphones and I get the impulse to sit in a shag-carpeted 70s den with a rum & coke and pack of Marlboro reds.
Hang on I just wanna infect my fellow olds with an earworm:
Back in 2017, Ellis started a thread of 'evidence' his apartment was haunted by a ghost boy and it gained enough traction that it gets a passing mention in an early episode of Captain Disillusion, a YouTube series debunking viral hoaxes using visual effects.
TIL there's a Korean train simulator that solves for the hardest part of a train sim (realistic environments, simulating how the train moves) by making the 'gameplay' literally just play GoPro footage filmed from the cab of the trains. Your "acceleration" just speeds up and slows down the footage.
My complicating character trait is I'll be sitting in the car grinning ear to ear vibing to music that, if you just screenshot the lyrics they come off as Something being Wrong.
Tim Roger's six hour review of Tokimeki Memorial is so good it accidentally creates a situation where the idea of the game series is bigger than the sum of its parts if you've not played any of the before watching his review.
Doing this again, another videogame-themed #weebwednesday! You know the drill - tell me about why you think Doki Doki Panic is superior to Super Mario Bros 2 or something along those lines, no weird racist shit, no intentionally inflammatory shit, let's fucking go!