Gavin G Whiz - Writer, DVD Apologist

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Gavin G Whiz - Writer, DVD Apologist

Podcast journalist, editor, train nerd, unapologetically trans and queer. Will likely rant about a movie or Discworld at some point. Ride or die physical media defender. Can't keep a regular newsletter or blog going to save my life (they/them)
Going to a comedy show tonight that has a punk band in the lineup. I'm currently going through their publicly released stuff and, folks, I think we got ourselves another instance of a band that calls itself punk because they use a little distortion on the guitar and occasionally yell.
"I could do that at home." Almost 100 years later, someone is looking at this and getting an emotional reaction from that one little red bit. I know my autistic ass is sitting here like "but why *there* specifically"
Composition No. 1 with Grey and Red 1938 / Composition with Red 1939 by Piet Mondrian, 1938
I have information that could lead to the discovery of where Dirt Man keeps his dirt.
[Nostalgia Critic voice] Helllllooo I'm the Omelas Child, I suffer it so YOU don't have to!
One thing to keep in mind alongside believing the women who say Neil Gaiman abused them is the only outlet sourcing them is the kind of blog that will gladly run an article by Boris Johnson's sister. I've no desire to defend Gaiman, but the state of UK press is so bad this could be some sus shit.
Reader Response Criticism is a school of thought invented by Big Criticism so they could catch the people most likely to complain about the other literary theories and shunt them all into a box where they can tire themselves out.
Lost some respect today for Andy Weir when doing research on the legally-undistributable original version of The Martain's audiobook and discovered a Facebook post where Weird says Ready Player One is "one of my favorite sci-fi books of all time."
TIL they replaced R.C. Bray's amazing audiobook of The Martian with Wil Wheaton and also bought the rights so the Bray version can't be sold anymore. Booooooo
Last night I witnessed the single biggest act of generosity in a video game I've ever seen personally and I'm still kind of fucked up about it.
My "I was there when Nirvana played their first gig" story is I got to see Joel live on stage during the tour billed on the premise this was the last time he'd put on the jumpsuit and play the Joel character live. Even if Gizmoplex kind of made that less special 'cus he's still riffing anyway.
It pains me the funniest single joke I've seen in MST3K history was at a live show that wasn't recorded so there's no evidence of it. During a climactic battle, the protagonist's weapon runs dry and he throws it out of frame down a corridor, out of frame. Tom shouted "Hallway, cover me!"
It pains me the funniest single joke I've seen in MST3K history was at a live show that wasn't recorded so there's no evidence of it. During a climactic battle, the protagonist's weapon runs dry and he throws it out of frame down a corridor, out of frame. Tom shouted "Hallway, cover me!"
Just saw a boxy 1980s two door sedan with a handmade bumper sticker promoting Alex Jones's failed YouTube clone and, folks, it might not surprise you to learn she drove like a buffoon.
More people should read SLAY by Brittney Morris. tl;dr: it's a young adult book about a Black high school student who has quietly developed a VR MMO with a card battling system that's intended exclusively for a Black audience. It goes viral for better and worse.
it was really incredible hearing a local Twitter moron talk about how scary it was that local cops knew his name and that he’d talked about fighting police online. It’s almost like cops are capable of looking at publicly available websites
PSA: if you're talking about doing actual political violence on social media in public, you are a dangerously ignorant twerp who lacks the situational awareness required to do anything useful for anyone.
Still processing that I ordered Papa John's pizza last night and it was delivered by a FedEx driver. There is not an ounce of a joke or exaggeration. The guy pulled up in a FedEx van with my pizza. He also said "Hey, it's Peter Parker" when I opened the door.
surely this agitation will be directed at those who may facilitate change and not laterally at those who are also frustrated with the current circumstance
On the one hand: it's abhorrent that it's become okay for conservative state legislature to just baby-gate the internet off because of their ongoing desire to eliminate anyone different than them. On the other: it sucks people got so riled up over Indiana's "porn ban" and misrepresented it.
Once again the "ah, nevertheless" comes for those who got a liiiiittle too confident 45 would finally see consequences.
Reminder I once took Serial's attempt at doing spinoffs to TASK for a now-defunct hub of podcast journalism. tl;dr: S-Town is embarrassing and Brain Reed shouldn't have gotten a single accolade from it beyond "nice job recording tape in the field."
Also while I'm punchy: fuck the first season. Everyone treats it like it was The Good One while the follow-ups were bad but it was ALSO bad. Watching a grown-ass journalist be like "erm, what the flip?" every five minutes to create a narrative reason to explain something to the audience is cringe.
Why Your Podcast Sucks: S-Town - Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover S-Town is often regarded as one of the best narrative nonfiction podcasts. Here's the problem: S-Town sucks, actually.
The farther we get from Serial the more comfortable writers who didn't listen to many podcasts in 2014 feel comfortable revising history so Serial was The First Well-Edited Podcast. It's a spinoff of a radio show/podcast edited the exact same way, good lord. They say This American Life IN THE SHOW.
New goal in Rust: the server I'm in has a "no teams" rule, which I respect, but I also see people being nice to each other anyway. This next wipe I'm becoming a farmer who undercuts the NPC prices on selling produce to see if I become a pillar of the community or if I get in trouble.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I am starting a book club! We're kicking things off with the phenomenal GOING POSTAL. An incredible adventure of a con artist saved at the hangman's noose with an offer: live a new life free of previous crimes, but as the postmaster of a dying postal service. (thread)
I put a lot of thought into my Steam Curator reviews and I'm thrilled a lot of amazing games I've reviewed are in the Summer Sale so you can pick them up cheap! Let's do a thread with highlights!
and even if someone thinks "well I don't like/look at porn so why should it be a priority for me?" it's important to remember that when christofascists say "porn" they also mean age-appropriate comprehensive sex education, media with queer/trans people in it, and picture books about gay penguins.
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
I put a lot of thought into my Steam Curator reviews and I'm thrilled a lot of amazing games I've reviewed are in the Summer Sale so you can pick them up cheap! Let's do a thread with highlights!
To give some context on how I play PVP games like Rust: the current Rust server I'm in is SOLOS ONLY, ZERO teaming allowed by the rules. All of my neighbors either leave me alone or openly like me/break the rules by giving me loot as a token of appreciation.
Love living in a country where flying the flag is seen as a sign of patriotism and loyalty, to the point where it doesn't really matter if you respect said flag or even follow the basic guidelines set out by the flag code signed by a sitting president decades ago.