
Trans people are older than the church and will be here long after it's gone
It was funny when they first started and now it's just funnier so leaning into it. Let's go
I was just doing a thought experiment about when the Literal First Trans Person was born & it came down to “when did humans invent gender roles that generally mapped with reproductive biology, because like 5 minutes after that”
they could kill us all and there'd be more of us born tomorrow
Also Easter is famously a roving holiday. It just so happened that this year the 31st (TDOV) was Sunday. These people are unhinged.
They are lying because they know some people want to believe them
Right, they know it's bs but it's something to yell about
My brain is now concocting a sci-fi plot in which enraged and wealthy evangelicals use rockets to move the moon so that it can never happen again
We already killed god, and these people still won't shut up. It's almost like it wasn't even worth the effort.
They killed their god first and want to celebrate that every year.
This is always so weird for me because church was the first place I made friends with trans people
The least important thing here but also v. hilarious that in their rush to be anti trans they forgot they’re supposed to acknowledge that Catholics are Christians now that they want to unite in the ecumenism of bigotry.
IDK I think it’s very important!
Seeing how ecumenism has been working, maybe Frost was right when he said "good fences make good neighbors"
Oh, I would not agree with that! Like everything else humans touch, we can find both beautiful and terrible examples of ecumenical cooperation.
I think the beautiful examples are very aware of the fence. Fences can be good and beautiful also, like the wall in the Fantasticks
Hard to refuse a request like this when it comes from such a classically good faith organization.
Catholics *and* Christians? Are they two separate things in America?
No. Catholic is a subset of Christian, just like every Protestant religion is.
Oh when I was a devout Catholic teenager more than one classmate told me I wasn’t Christian. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I understand that some misinformed people *say* that. But it’s one of only a few “someone was wrong on the Internet” events that I will take on every time. I think this was a legit question from the asker & I gather they are not in the US.
Right. What I’m saying is that it’s not a few misinformed people on the internet. Like someone said below, it’s an evangelical anti-Catholic thing, and from the text quoted up there, it looks like that’s the brand of Christianity trump’s spokesperson is using.
Baptist, southern Baptist, Westboro Baptist, catholic, evangelical, methodist, seven day, Morman, protestant, eastern orthodox, latter day saints, church of maga, angelicanism, jehovahs witness, I'm sure there's more but that's what I see just here in Oklahoma
I get you, I just thought it weird phrasing and read it as Catholic being different from Christian when, over here, they're just different flavours of the same thing.
Some protestant & Baptists denominations do not consider Catholics or Mormons to be Christian. Some do not consider Catholics to be Christian, but also believe that only churches that have maintained apostolic succession are Christian. Some Baptists do not consider themselves to be protestants. 🤷🏼
Evangelicals have never liked Catholics unless/until people like that bishop who had to be removed with a crowbar, and the SCOTUS justice wedged onto the court gang in with them. For ex., my 6th grade teacher told the class that Catholics are idol worshippers. See also: JFK.
they're all entirely different, lol even though they all use the same bible. Even the catholic ones here are probably unrecognizable from the ones where you're at, because extremists have changed and altered the belief system so much.
Many American Protestants, especially Evangelicals, have a longstanding commitment to using unmarked "Christian" to mean their own brand of Christianity, and especially to separating out Catholics, who many of them have historically categorized as following an evil distortion of the faith.
When you see "nondenominational Christian" or "Bible-believing Christian" that almost always means right-wing Evangelicals. Likewise, there's decades of teaching that the Pope is the Antichrist, etc. They've only eased up on it since the surge of hard-right "Tradcaths" has made for new allies there.
There's a racialized and nativist element too, in a lot of North America; Catholicism has historically been associated with Latines and Italian and Irish immigrant communities who had to buy into whiteness. I grew up around a lot of Protestants who treated Catholicism as dirty, foreign, and suspect.
I am not trans, but that dude can just fuck'n eat me.
Some of them eat their own saviour as part of a weekly ritual.
Not only that but it's exceedingly Christian of President Biden to acknowledge an "outcast" segment of society for Easter. Seems fairly similar to some story I once heard about some guy washing some prisoners' feet. I don't know, that story probably isn't known to "real" 'Muricans.
Catholics AND Christians? 😅
Christianity had to be invented to exist. Trans people just exist.
Christianity is something people thought up, and exists only in their minds. Trans people are real.
Also comical, the GOP still pretending Catholicism doesn't count
Who cares that it’s on the Christian Easter Sunday? It’s just another day. Prove to me this resurrection thing, there is no proof. There is however proof of humans who are transgendered. That is provable. Resurrection of Jay-sus not so much. All that being said, I don’t begrudge anyones beliefs.
Calendars, how do they work?
It's beside the point but, Trump doesn't have a "national press secretary"
From the Field of Reeds, Hatshepsut looks out from his/her throne within his/her House of Millions of Years and says, "Who in Thoth's name is this 'Jesus' person?" (Hatshepsut, the "female Pharaoh," was depicted as both male and female and used both pronouns, sometimes in the same inscription.)
Spare me your hypo-Christian tears Orange Julius.
It’s on March 31st every year. Perhaps you should add that nugget to yr repost.
I would love to give this a try, let's get rid of the church completely and see how long we can ALL go without it! 🥰