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Fumbling around trying to figure stuff out. History, science, and art enthusiast. Not an expert. Profile pic by Jon Rosenberg.
Oh yeah, we haven’t gotten any flex alerts so far this summer!
"No rolling blackouts or grid emergencies as California continues on path to a carbon free grid. Several strategies, including upgrades to vulnerable parts of the grid at play here, but key enabler is more clean energy, especially solar, and above all, battery storage..." 😀
California Grid Breezes Through Heat Wave due to Renewables, No rolling blackouts or grid emergencies as California continues on path to a carbon free grid. Several strategies, including upgrades to vulnerable parts of the grid at play here, but key enabler …
I often imagine getting shot at work (HS teacher), so this seems fair.
Trump is 100% now imagining getting shot at every time he gets in front of a crowd, for the rest of his life.
I am but a random internet person, but I feel like this is a conversation for the party to have had intensively and privately two weeks ago, resolved by now, and to definitely, definitely not have in front of donors
Reposted byAvatar Anne
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
Going to go do laundry, knit, and think about how the same neighborhood can produce two (2) mass shooters, an American Idol runner up, a guy who changed how baseball players are recruited, and the kind of person who would marry JD Vance.
Hey you get 1 guess as to which suburb of San Diego Vance’s wife is from
Axios is reporting that Vance and his wife (who is not running for VP) "being youth and diversity to the Trump ticket" I don't think diversity by wife counts
Who is Usha Vance, wife of Trump VP pick J.D. She's a highly accomplished attorney and daughter of Indian immigrants.
Reposted byAvatar Anne
Reality Winner out there seeing all this
Free idea for a Dem ad: a series of brief somber interviews with people who worked with classified documents explaining what the consequences would be for the most minor infraction. Then just show these photos
I ran 5 miles this morning - the longest distance I’ve ever run - and for the first time since…gosh…ever, I felt like I could do anything.
Reposted byAvatar Anne
There's an article begging to be written about how Simmons and Dr. Ruth were both trusted health celebrities that dramatically countervailed the notion of what those should look, sound and publicly behave like.
Oh shit weird Al is here? My kid loves him, better toe the line
I feel like everyone would post better if they remembered that Weird Al Yankovich is here and he’s seeing all your posts and if they’re bad you might make him sad
Reposted byAvatar Anne
Holding a black man who writes EXCELLENT and helpful essays about democracy responsible for the acts of a heinous and hateful white woman so powerful at the NYT she was the *BOOKS EDITOR* for like a decade before becoming an opinion writer says everything about you and nothing about him.
Very much looking forward to spending 1.5+ weeks in mountains and pine tree forests. Bring on the granite and general lack of cell reception.
Tomorrow is the last day of summer school and things are exceptionally bad at home this week in a way that makes the discourse on Biden’s mental faculties especially frustrating. I need to be home, but it’s going to be painful. And my guy insists on having CNN on all day. 😭
Reposted byAvatar Anne
I made an eggplant cacciatore tonight and it was so tasty but also I felt like I was cheating on chicken cacciatore🥲
Reposted byAvatar Anne
War crimes are war crimes, and attacking civilians is a war crime. Hamas is a terrorist organization, not a defensive force. And yet and still: We should ask ourselves why no one is presenting a precondition that the Palestinians in Gaza be free to defend themselves from a foreign invader.
New project abandoned. Newer project has already commenced. I’m back, baby!
I can tell the depression is really lifting because I started a new knitting project* *before finishing any of the other 3 I started 2 years ago 😌
I can tell the depression is really lifting because I started a new knitting project* *before finishing any of the other 3 I started 2 years ago 😌
Alright. Time to escape reality and watch a movie in the park with the family.
This 💯 Where were all these dems with their concerns about his age and acuity before primary season? Also, you know if the roles were reversed every republican would be in lockstep talking about “everyone has an off night” and changing the subject reading off the same script So frustrating
I didn’t vote for him in the primaries, but I also think that switching horses right now is almost certainly suicidal. It is not exactly fucking surprising that he’s old.
Happy 4th from the SGV
It gave me Stockton, Modesto, and Fresno. 😭
Well goddamn if they didn't have me pinned. Gift link if you want to do yours.
The Abyss followed me. But I haven’t even stared into it yet. If I follow back, am I…another abyss??
The theme of my neighborhood in June is “Jasmine and Jacaranda” and I have to say I’m not mad about it.
Alright. Had my follow up appointment and here is my tale of why this messaging ended up being really bad.
Also…I have some feelings now about the constant “she’s not my *athletic* child,” “she’s not very good at sports,” “she’s a little clumsy” messaging I got during my entire childhood. 👀
Sleep well, friends and strangers.
Reposted byAvatar Anne
Let’s shift our focus, ok? Donald Trump was fucking incoherent tonight. Yes, he’s always incoherent, but his answers were wholly detached from reality. You know what works better than appeal? Disgust. And there’s a lot in his answers that would disgust people if it were pointed out. So point it out.
Currently teaching a summer school class comprised of mostly rising high school freshman. Can confirm: they would do this. Motion seconded
I want rising high school freshmen to moderate the next debate because they’ll actually ask follow up questions and cut the mics when people aren’t answering. I would have lost my mind if CNN had cut the mic every time someone wandered off the question and repeated what they asked.
Reposted byAvatar Anne
Reposted byAvatar Anne
Donald Trump cannot answer straightforward questions about anything. He can’t answer them from regular people; he can’t answer them on a debate stage, and he can’t answer them under oath — at least if he doesn’t want a perjury charge. And he’s not the answer for this country or this election.