
Utah's bathroom bill takes effect this week and I can't emphasize enough how these laws spread fear and heartbreak where there was previously just people living their lives. Just no reason for this other than ignorance and dogma.
10 and 11 year olds get it. Fuck the MAGA GOP.
MAGA GOP wants 13 year olds to be working not learning. They want 15yo to be serving booze to drunk assholes. They want to look at your kid's crotch and know when your biologic daughters have their period. Fuck the MAGA GOP.
My fiancee is a trans teacher- stuff like this passing here scares the shit out of me.
when the FIFTH GRADERS have more compassion than actual grown ass adults ...
Joe "Trans people - I've got your back!" Biden: 🦗🦗🦗
Fun fact: Joe Biden doesn’t have the power to override state laws just by snapping his fingers. Not every problem with federalism was solved by the civil war.
Fun fact: go fuck yourself The bully pulpit. Denouncing it publicly. Advocating federal laws that override discriminatory state laws. No federal dollars or contracts where there's transphobic discrimination. Executive orders guaranteeing trans people's human rights in federal spaces in these states.
I don't think Biden can instantly overfuckinride it with a snap of his fingers, you condescending prick, but there is unequivocally shit he could do that would fall under having our backs - of which he is doing precisely fucking none. See, crickets implies silence, connoting that he didn't mean it🖕
Fuck off shitlib Biden apologist.
The road to fascism is lined with liberals on the internet telling you to stop overreacting to genocide
lol, saw that brain-dead post earlier. Y’all are just betting stupid shitlibs like me will do our boring, sell-out duty & get Biden reelected so that you get all the fun of complaining online that the Dems & the libs don’t have your back w/o having to fear for your life under Trump. Freeloader!
I’ve just provided you with a whole little thread of the stuff he’s done that you’re mad at him for not doing, but I know it’s more fun to be angry & commiserate with other angry people online & I’ll leave you be rather than ruining your fun
Okay let’s see: He’s advocated for laws to override discriminatory state laws & his DOJ has sued to stop those laws. Doesn’t have the votes in Congress to *pass* a law, Supreme Court is hearing several of those lawsuits this term. The fact you aren’t paying attention doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
The last one is already done I’m pretty sure. Have you ever checked out the White House website where they put the official announcements? You’ll find a lot of good info there. Biden doesn’t control spending so can’t withhold govt funds, that’s on Congress.
There are nondiscrimation rules in federal contracting that I’m pretty sure cover gender identity (thanks to Biden…or mights been that shitlib Obama? but was a Dem president). So that leaves “the bully pulpit” which is the most tired West Wing-ass cliche ever at this point…
He's so powerless and yet Trump is so scary and powerful? You know they have the same powers right?
1. Democrats are a big-tent coalition party w/diverse voters w/lots of different views & priorities. Most though would *not* support Biden declaring himself above the law, using his powers to punish personal enemies, etc. The reps we elect as a result are not people who would let Biden just do crime
By contrast GOP is 85% straight, white Xian (& mostly middle-aged or older). This means it’s much easier to know what your voters want & fewer internal conflicts to balance. Trump’s people control the party now, they *are* the base, they have near total control & are 100% behind his lawlessness
2. The GOP has control of the judiciary system including the Supreme Court (largely because Hillary lost) & this means that Trump gets legal cover for his actions but Dem policies get struck down or neutered.