Grace Robertson 🏳️‍⚧️

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Grace Robertson 🏳️‍⚧️

Do not hold anything on here against me on other parts of the internet, skeets are non canon. she/her.
One of the smartest decisions BREAKING BAD ever made was to forgo trying to explain Walt via trauma. There’s a monologue about his dad being pathetic, and his mother (who never appears on the show) is apparently A Lot, but all his flashbacks are to his adult self. He made (and ruined) his own bed.
In which I convert my longstanding beef with TV's excessive reliance on traumatic backstories into an essay! The first installment of our new Screen Shots column for the LA Review of Books:
The Past Is Never Dead: On TV’s Backstory Problem | Los Angeles Review of Elizabeth Alsop explores the ubiquity—and limitations—of the “trauma backstory.”...
This is a good thread and I know this seems to be the majority experience, but for me personally in the early months of HRT it went up significantly. Thought for sure something must be wrong with my levels but they were good. Hormones are weird. They hit everyone differently.
1. They're Not Trans women start off their HRT life destroying their testosterone and crushing their sex drives so you will see a LOT of asexual or sexually inactive trans women. Confirmation bias makes you focus on the horny posts without seeing the normal posts (because a TW is just a woman).
You're laughing. Buffy pushed Republicanism to second-place in his life and you're laughing.
Everyone responding to this is laughing except a few of the most tedious cis men on the planet who are like "well he changed his views over 20 years what a shock".
It's always good to bring up the time I accidentally stumbled on Dave Weigel's old Whedonesque account from his college days, where he described himself as "a Reagan Republican second and a Buffy fan first".
So if I understand this correctly Buffy fans are either Reagan Republicans or trans women
you're missing the crucial info: his views 20 years ago are incredibly funny
everyone please do this
anybody still not blocked by him could just start asking him if he's speaking as a Reagan Republican or as a Buffy fan when he talks his shit
cis people on bluesky: there is not a transmisogyny problem on bluesky. all of you trannies are being histrionic cis people on bluesky:
Thought hard about it, decided that I will not be giving this person $500.
I've found it almost impossible to explain to a lot of cis people the outsized role liberal institutions play in transphobia. They just cannot process that these bodies that talk the talk about truth and accuracy would fall down the same conspiracy theory rabbit holes as the right. Doesn't compute.
If we want to talk about privilege, you could do worse than a cis journalist having dozens of trans people giving him examples of the direct harm done by the nyt (and thats just the harms done to trans people) and his response being, well that doesn't feel like it should be true
always fun to see who's ready to peel back their human skin and finally Knock Trans Women Down a Peg. go get 'em tiger
It's always ok to yell at journalists.
It's always good to bring up the time I accidentally stumbled on Dave Weigel's old Whedonesque account from his college days, where he described himself as "a Reagan Republican second and a Buffy fan first".
If he blocks or deletes when he realizes this is a bad look:
Maybe we should all move to Malta
I still can't believe they made two Die Hard films about an older John McClane, and neither of them were called Old Habits Die Hard.
Very last thing I'll say on the matter, but been a whole lot of discourse here about a bunch of people being mean to a journalist, a thing that happens literally every day for over a decade on the other site.
Very last thing I'll say on the matter, but been a whole lot of discourse here about a bunch of people being mean to a journalist, a thing that happens literally every day for over a decade on the other site.
I think it's perfectly appropriate that the author of the book all the "both sides" people in 2016 told us to read is now going to be second in command of a fascist coup. Kind of poetic, really.
Catching up on the dragon show, normally I'm in favour of showing how normal people are affected by big conflicts. But here it seems a bit pointless? It's a show about elite gossip at its core. Ignoring the little people entirely actually serves to emphasise that.
There is nothing on earth I want to do less than update my TV's OS.
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
Those who make left populism impossible make right populism inevitable.
one interesting thing i've found about myself in my new position working with teens and new adults is that i don't care if they think i'm cool. in fact, i actively wish that they find me to be cringe. i use lots of emojis to accomplish this goal.
didn't like that eight minutes or so when I couldn't post my hot takes about temperature scales
The American mind will never understand the pleasure of saying "it's freezing" and meaning it's zero degrees.
Please tell people in the Middle East that they should just intuitively switch to a scale that would start at like 50 for them.
I will die on the hill of "Fahrenheit is infinitely better than Celsius." 0 is "so cold that below that doesn't really matter" and 100 is "so hot that above that doesn't really matter" and it's a percentage scale between the two. Makes perfect sense.
Idk Bluesky has a lot of people who are a little too online and into starting fights with people, but when I look at Threads I want to gouge my eyes out for the worthless influencer-driven #content that only exists to get cheap engagement. I know my people.