
My new neighbours are having an argument in their driveway about one of them losing the other's book of spells. I don't know what level and flavour of wizardry we're talking about here, or if they're team Gandalf or Saruman, but I endorse their presence in my street. 10/10.
Book of spells…are you sure they just didn’t forget the word dictionary???
and if it had been lost they wouldn’t be able to look it up 😬
First rule of spell casting. Make spell to find lost book of spells.
I'm sure, right now, it's in the hands of a curious young child who's about to have an adventure that will hit theatres in Spring 2025...
The nearest curious young child in my street is obsessed with bugs, so it'd start with a kid squishing bugs (for preservation purposes) within the spell book's pages and then creating a giant spider beast that rampages through South Island, maybe questing for the perfect pie. (I would watch this.)
I saw a programme about this sort of thing, I think.
The child would then have to find the right spell to stop the rampage, which would involve gathering some friends together, probably some montages, and some really inadvisable wizardry.
And there you've got our blockbuster's name! Inadvisable Wizardry
Perfect! I can see the posters now...
since yesterday there has been an ongoing dispute among some neighborhood crows about something atop a utility pole. things cooled down for a while, but now they're back at it. i can't see what's atop the utility pole. maybe it's a book of spells. 🤷
Damn, all my neighbours over the road do is argue loudly about rent and the power bill. Slightly nicer than the previous neighbours over the road and the ones before that. That house is cursed and it's wearing off slowly perhaps.
Have you tried slowly wheelbarrowing a giant sage bush onto their lawn and setting it on fire? Maybe spraying a fire truck's worth of salty water at their house? This sounds like an industrial level exorcism is required. Power bill fights are definitely a sign of a high level demon.
Over the last two years there's been domestic violence, custody battles, AOS three times. Power bill arguments imply the curse may be wearing off. I will however look into procuring some sage. Do you think dried packet would work or do I need the real deal?
Nothing like grousing about grimoires in the morning
I'd far rather have them arguing about spellbooks than over bible editions, that's for sure...
That's the guys on the other side of us, although they're super chill and put up with all my swearing, plot rants and postgraduate level blasphemy so I can't complain.😊
Sometimes you get good ones. The good ones are easy to tell - either they have good boundaries, or a great sense of humor. If you're really lucky, they might have both! (Those are pretty rare though...)
I want it to be The Book of Shadows from Charmed. Way cooler.
Losing a book? Sounds more Rincewind
I endorse this.
image credit / from the movie Practical Magic
But if only one book of spells has been lost, then one of them has a way of knowing exactly where it is wait
It's all fun and games until the wands come out.
Did you go out say hello and teach them the "accio" spell?
“Ah, they're blistering up my spell, they're blistering it up They're breaking it up they're breaking up my spell And what else is there what else have I got? What else have I got but that spell?” ~ John Cale, Leaving It Up To You.
can’t they just cast a spell to find …. ….oh!
This sounds like a sidequest. No but really, they must be wicca. Wicca often have books of spells, which are their own way of expressing their belief. Nothing nefarious.
Pretty sure they're wiccan gamers. Very chuffed to have them move in.😊
I was about to ask why it wasn't a magical duel but it's obvious in context