
I’ll say this as generally as possible: those of us with speech impediments/difficulties are seeing a whole lotta people this week and won’t be forgetting it.
And here I was thinking I was about as angry as I could be when it came to the Discourse—online and in political news media—around Fettermans difficulties during his debate.
The number of people who believe stutters, stammers, or frequent malapropisms are an indication of brain death and not a neurological condition is pathetic.
From the ableism bad coalition no less
Or even just being visibly old.
The thing is, because Biden’s old, his speech difficulties get framed far more harshly along w his age than they would be otherwise. If Sanders was the nominee rn instead of Biden, even though he’s older I don’t think age would be as much of a convo topic rn bc he doesnt have speaking difficulties
So people aren’t being ridiculous assholes about age, but about speech impediments? That’s…not an improvement. Also, for the love of God, let Bernie go already. Jesus.
I feel like you’ve misinterpreted what I’ve said here. I bring up Sanders not to be critical but as an example of an older politician for whom age is less of an issue for bc, beyond age, there is not much of anything that codes him as “feeble.”
I’ve seen way too many barely-veiled “Finally, Bernie!” takes this week. My apologies for my overreaction if that’s not what you were doing. Also, I disagree. Bernie has always seemed perpetually 86 to me. And I voted for him. I’ve 100% lost patience with those who are still relitigating 2016.
No, it's both. The speech impediment is seen as the same as psychic collapse because of age.
Yes that’s it. The speech impediment compounds the age issue in the dynamic I’m discussing.
So ageist *and* ableist, then
People legitimately hate old people in this country so much and they don't even realize it. Like, the average person in America thinks that the soul leaves the body at age 35.
I didn’t realise until now just how badly it’s entrenched. The naked ageism I’ve seen on here this week is disgusting.
I'm a little less than half Biden's age but my tremor is stronger and I certainly have made notes.
When I'm incredibly upset, I sometimes forget words or confuse words. It really pissed me off when Biden was rightfully upset at that special prosecutor's politicized report, and people started questioning his mental health or making fun of him for doing something I do.
Maybe make some lists, just as a precaution.