
that “you’d succeed if you just cared and tried harder” line has done a whole lot of damage to ADHD people, I tell you what
Sometimes i wake up at 3 am in a cold sweat imagining someone saying, "if you actually cared you would have made it a priority" And then I panic set 17 more alarms for everything
Report cards like this bullshit too. “You managed to get done what was asked anyway but you still didn’t seem like you were tRyInG hArD eNoUgH”
Oh my god im sorry but I have to jump into your conversations because I had the exact same report cards. "She doesn't try" what does that MEAN?? I did the thing, I got the A for achievement, what is "trying" ??!!!
Comments very welcome on my part! Still new to this and stepping through all the "am I really adhd?" "hang on I did this as a kid too... and that.. that too... and that as an adult". And being more than a bit angry at How Damned Long It Took.
The childhood part is still mostly a mystery and I don't think I had enough for it to be diagnosed, specifically because I had family that plugged the gaps. Made me do things, got me places. I would procrastinate a lot, that's really it. So I don't have an official diagnosis. Just ritalin. Lol
Now it feels like I'm doing things backwards :). GP diagnosis, therapist diagnosis, psychiatrist diagnosis. Final session for medication on Monday. Gods. The childhood stuff I'm remembering because there's SO MUCH REVISITING IT through that process. May it be over soon and I move on.
Some teachers definitely did expect a maddening level of *acting as if you were trying hard*, as separate from actual results. Much like some bosses.
That "you just need to apply yourself" really screwed me up. Created this cycle of anxiety > mistake > depression > repeat. I take Wellbutrin because it helps with the executive functioning, but also curbs the shame spiral I fall into if I make a mistake or forget to do something.
They did not understand how we did it and instead of being interested became distrustful